The Road to Relentless- bench and rows – week 5
It is hard to believe it has been 5 weeks of working with Paul Carter on my training. I have noticed that I get about one hit a day on my blog from people googling Paul Carter training or opinions of...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless – front squats and stiffs – week 5
I would really love to take a little nap right now but the housekeeper is at the house so that is a no go :/ Last night was the kids school award and graduation ceremony and it was beyond dreadful!...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- OHP and wings – week 5
I am so happy it is friday, friday friday!! And even more happy that I dont have to work work work tomorrow :) Imagine me doing the happy dance, ok, dont imagine that, I cant dance! How about you do...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads – week 6
Weekend was good but I ate terrible and feel disgusting today because of it. I watched this video yesterday about some body image movement where this woman tells how she hated her body so she decided...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- bench and rows – week 6
I wish I had appreciated stuff more as a child. I remember just wanting to be older and on my own and doing my own thing and doing whatever I wanted. Now, I realize that that doesnt happen! To a...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- front squats and stiffs- week 6
There are some very disturbing people on the internet! I am so glad that I live in smallville and have very very few friends on facebook and have no desire to be somebody because I couldnt deal with...
View ArticleTo Crossfit or not to Crossfit? Apparently, that is the question!
Crossfit, you love it or you hate it. Maybe you hate it because it is damn impressive what some of these people are doing and you cant do it! I know I damn sure cant! It seems like there has been...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- OHP and wings- week 6
I hate it when I have some random stuff I want to rant about and then forget what it is when it comes time to rant :/ We were busy yesterday afternoon and I didnt make it out to Flemings because by the...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads- week 7
It is very hard to believe that it is the start of week 7 of base training. I have to say that I hated it the first week and the second but have actually gotten to where I really like it, well,...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- bench and rows- week 7
How does anybody live without at least one dog in their life? They add so much to life and make it so much better, I cant imagine my life without them in it. Except when they are bad, when they are...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- front squats and stiffs- week 7
I do not understand people. There, I admit it, I am at a loss as to why people do some of the stuff they do!! Why are people so concerned about other peoples lives and not just minding their own?...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless – OHP and wings – week 7
I hate getting behind on my posts. Yesterday was so busy that there was never any time to sit down and get it typed out. Busy is a good thing, I dont mind busy! I just need to learn to manage my...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads- week 8
Why is it that everybody expects something for nothing these days? We are breeding a peoples who dont want to do anything but want to have everything! Political correctness has driven out dedication...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- bench and rows- week 8
It is only tuesday and I feel thursday tired. It is interesting how that happens. Actually, thinking about it right now, it is probably from the fact that I ate a big greasy carne asada burro for...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- front squats and stiffs- week 8
I am very thankful to be leaving on a mini kind of vacation next week. It stresses me to be gone from the clinic for a whole week but I know everyone will survive and be fine. Im also worried about...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- OHP and wings- week 8
I am so very glad that I am going to be out of town next week. I am turning into a very cranky person, more so than usual. :) It used to be that I wouldnt get too cranky until towards the end of the...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads and dumb- week 9
Have you ever had vertigo? It feels like you have just stepped off a merry go round and things are still moving and you arent. It started about day two in San Francisco and while it hasnt got worse,...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- bench and assistance – week 9
It is never a good thing for me to be gone and being gone for a week has made this week incredibly busy! I will say that I am very thankful that I am now only working out three days a week because...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- fronts and stiffs- week 9
I am very happy it is friday! Tomorrow will be great just because it can be! :) This week has kicked my butt and unfortunately, it wasnt the gym kicking it but just work. Vacations are horrible from...
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