Crossfit, you love it or you hate it. Maybe you hate it because it is damn impressive what some of these people are doing and you cant do it! I know I damn sure cant! It seems like there has been controversy regarding crossfit since it hit ESPN and crossfit boxes exploded across the county.
I live in a very small rural town and we have at least two if not three or four different crossfit boxes. Crossfit is what everyone is into. I get asked almost daily if I do crossfit. “You have awesome arms, do you crossfit?” “Wow, you look really fit. Do you Crossfit?” To which I usually just smile and say that no, I dont crossfit, I just go to the gym a few days a week. There you have it, I dont do crossfit.
A few days ago Erin Simmons came out with an article about why she doesnt crossfit. Now I have to be honest and say that I had no idea who Erin was and actually thought it was a man who wrote the article until I came to the line about ‘a guy who I was seeing that was into crossfit’ and then I wasnt sure. That and the part about never having done deads because they werent worth the risk. Really? Never done deads?! Random information that doesnt lend much credit to the writer.
Since that article came out there have been response articles written in mass by the crossfitting community. No surprise there. They defend their sport with well written statements and analogies. I read a few but for the most part, they pretty much all the say the same thing to counter what Ms Simmons wrote; there are bad coaches, bad boxes, bad form, bad anything and everything in crossfit and every sport; crossfit is a great way to get into shape and they all love it. And a lot of other things but you get the point. Controversy wouldnt be controversy without two opposing views. She said it was bad, they say it is good. I honestly dont know because I dont do crossfit.
I do not do crossfit because I am an introvert and the thought of working out with a bunch of people and things going fast and all that, makes me nauseous. I am happiest in an empty gym with just me and the sounds of the weights. No music, no TV, no talking, just emptiness! That is how I want to work out! The other reason I dont do crossfit is because my joints hurt and the thought of doing lifts rapidly and for may reps, not appealing. I am a veterinarian, I need to work for a very long time. I do everything I can so my joints arent inflamed anymore than they have to be and therefore choose a different way of lifting for my fix.
I dont think it matters whether you crossfit, powerlift, bodybuild, lift weights, run, play soccer or baseball or football or pick your nose, do what you enjoy doing and keeps you motivated!! There are good and bad people in all aspects of sports and life and you cant judge a whole industry on one or two experiences. There are good and bad reasons for every sport, weigh them out for yourself and decide for yourself what has more good than bad. I think the crossfit boxes around here do a great job of getting people into fitness and better eating and off the couch! Isnt that what fitness is about? Getting off the couch? Being healthier? I have seen many of my personal friends change their bodies and their lives because of crossfit. That in and of itself is a great thing!
Now if you are an aspiring fitness model, ex collegiate track and dont deadlift person, I would suggest not attacking a popular and large group of fitness people, not really a good way to get your name out there in a positive way. There are ways to write ones opinion that are inflammatory and there are ways to express your thoughts that keeps people calm. My suggestion is that if you want peoples attention and you want to be somebody in an industry, use few words to say great things and avoid taking a hard stand against a very large group of people in the industry you are trying to be somebody in!
I dont do crossfit and nobody cares! Crossfit or dont, nobody cares! Just do what you enjoy and fits your personality and then everybody will be happy!