There are some very disturbing people on the internet! I am so glad that I live in smallville and have very very few friends on facebook and have no desire to be somebody because I couldnt deal with some of the people out there or the stuff they post! Those of you who have thousands of friends, I dont know how you do it!!
I love the fact that all my dogs want to lay where ever I am. As I sit here typing this I have letters in my lap and the three big dogs laying on each side and in front and naked red underneath the chair. I am never away from them when I am home or at the clinic and I love it! It is probably what gets me through my days! I dont know how people live without dogs!
We had an emergency pyometra come in at the end of the day. Thankfully every thing went smoothly and we didnt explode pus all over the surgery room.
Up at 3:50 and out the door and to the gym.
Front squats and stiffs
*45# for 20
*45# for 10
*65# for 5
*95# for 4
*105# for 4
*115# for 2
*135# for 1
*165# for 1
*175# for 1
*135# for 8 sets of 5
squats felt good today and I felt like I was not struggling as much as I have previously. I feel much more comfortable with depth and coming out of the hole. This is a good thing!
*135# for 5
*185# for 5
*225# for 5
*255# for 2
*225# for 2 sets of 3
Not sure how I did on these. Paul says they were good but I am pretty sure he is just trying to be nice, which is ok. :)
split leg squats
*3 sets of 20
Generally speaking, there are not ever very many people who come to the gym when I am there. For me it is over crowded if there is more than 4 other people and even 2 is really too many. There are a handful of dudes who come in about 5:30 and they are young and not very smart. (I know this because they talk too loud and talk about stupid stuff. So, if you are young, just lift, dont talk) Anyway one of the dudes came in and was doing hanging cleans, or trying to, with 95# in the cable crossover machine about 6 inches from the mirror. I watched him try and do a few and I am amazed that he didnt break the mirror. After finishing his clean attempts he just dropped the weights and left them in a mess and went over to the smith machine. Somehow he almost managed to drop the weights or something off one side of it. So in between my sets of stiffs I look over there and he has safety collars on! Yep, safety collars on the smith. Now, I didnt want to be one to take a picture and then just laugh at him as I post it for the whole world to see. Nope, I was nice and went over and very politely told him that there was no need for safety collars on the smith machine :) And now I share the picture.
It was a good morning at the office. Surgeries went smoothly and we were done about 11:30. I went home and made pizza for Zac and watched part of the original wolverine movie. My car guy text and told me that he was bringing the new vet truck by so I headed over to the clinic.
It is so pretty. I used to get a new truck every year because I had the mobile practice and put about 75,000 miles a year on one. But with the clinic now I never go anywhere and so I have had my old one for five years now and it has less than 45,000 miles on it. For a diesel, that is nothing. The new truck is a gas engine because I rarely use it and gas is cheaper and the mileage is the same.
I have to go to Flemings tonight after work to check out a foal with an injured neck and to do a couple of hernia repairs. It will be interesting to see how my back does as I have noticed that since my squat form has improved and I am using my glutes more, my lower back doesnt bother me as much. Im hoping that it is really true because hernia repairs on horses kill me these days.