I wish I had appreciated stuff more as a child. I remember just wanting to be older and on my own and doing my own thing and doing whatever I wanted. Now, I realize that that doesnt happen! To a certain extent you get to do what you want but mostly, you work and take care of your family and work some more. I love what I do but it isnt anything like what I thought it would be when I dreamed up my adulthood as a kid! It is much more work and much less doing what I want to do! That being said, I am thankful to have a career and a business. I think much of the problem with people is that even as they get older, they still think that life is supposed to be like the dream they had as a child and therefore they go from job to job to job, or spouse to spouse to spouse, or car to car to car, etc etc! Always thinking that they are missing something and need to go find it instead of realizing that life is work and it is hard work and even when you love your job, it is still hard work! And, you dont get to do everything you want to!
I had intended on trying to make it to the chiropractor today and it never happened :/
After my massage last night I came home and fixed dinner and went to bed early! I love getting to bed early and I slept pretty well too.
Up at 3:50 and out the door and off to the gym about 5:20.
bench and rows
*45# for 20
*65# for 10
*85# for 8
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*125# for 3
*135# for 1 (dont know why I didnt do 2 *facepalm*)
*145# for 1
*120# for 4 sets of 6
*100# for 16
I was happy that I hit all my numbers but I didnt really feel like I was very strong with them and that must have been true as Paul said it was good but not great, only good. He must think I am not very smart that he has to tell me twice :D
Incline bench
*75# for 20,20,20
I think I am going to go up to 80# on this next week if I hit my bench numbers.
db rows
*50# for 4 sets of 20
I went up another 5# but dropped one set, primarily because I was running out of time!
V bar rows
*120# for 2 sets of 6
*90# for 2 sets of 12
We had another good day at the clinic. It was busy but not crazy which was nice. I spoke to a young woman today who graduated from vet school last year and is working part time in Arkansas but is from arizona and wants to move back. Hopefully she will be come out soon and I am praying that everything fits great because she wants to be out of where she is at before the end of June! The best part about it all is that Devri knows her and they used to buy pigs from her for their kids 4-H projects.
This goat came in because she was sick and not doing well and we brought her inside because it was a million degrees outside. She was just wandering around the back room and would come and hang out with me and eat my papers. Silly goat.
The big dogs at lunch. Im surprised that Finn let Charlie lay on him because Charlie always picks on him and he usually doesnt like to be around Charlie.
random picture of a train.