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The Road to Relentless- squats and deads – week 6

Weekend was good but I ate terrible and feel disgusting today because of it.  I watched this video yesterday about some body image movement where this woman tells how she hated her body so she decided to lose weight and do a bodybuilding show and then she gained weight back and now allegedly she is happy.  Now while it sounds good and she is being championed for showing a naked picture of herself while being 20+ish pounds overweight, she is no more happy than she has ever been regardless of what she says.  I know, I have been there.  Im not saying that you dont accept your weight and it is very easy to rationalize it and try and convince yourself that you dont care, deep down you care!  I know, I have been there.  I have had many many conversations previously when I was 20ish pounds overweight where I said that I was happy with where I was weight wise and I was middle aged and I was just always going to be that way.  Truth was, I hated my body and the only reason I was going to accept where I was is because it is damn hard work to deny oneself the food you want to eat and to go to the gym and beat up your body to make it change shape!  IT IS HARD WORK!!!   And we are a LAZY nation!  And we have politically correctized ourselves into accepting anything and everything and not doing anything that is hard!!   We are fat because we do NOT want to DENY ourselves food and we do NOT want to work HARD in the gym!  That is the bottom line folks!  Rant over!  I still dont like my body but it is a heck of a lot better than it used to be!

Saturday we went and watched X MEN, the future past.  It was a really good show and I enjoyed it.  It moved fast and it kept your interest and it ended well.

Sunday was church and emergencies and not too much else.  Wish I had taken a nap though because by the end of the day, I was tired!

Up this morning at 3:50 and out the door.  I will say that I didnt move quite as fast this morning knowing that I didnt have to be ready in time to take the kids to school!


squats and deads


*45# for 20

*95# for 10

*115# for 8

*135# for 5

*155# for 4

*165# for 3

*185# for 2

*195# for 1

*205# for 1

*175# for 8 sets of 5

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I am the worst client ever as I forgot my paper that I wrote my changes on at the office and I did not even think about it until I was already at the gym and I could not remember what I was supposed to change so I guessed and did not do a very good job of it :/  That being said, squats felt good today and for the first time I feel like I am making progress in the form department as well as feel stronger at them.



deads on the other hand, not so good.  I can not seem to get my form good on them and it makes me cranky. :|

*205# for 5

*225# for 5

*245# for 5

*205# for 9

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No where close to what I was supposed to do but it was something.


one legged leg press

*110# for 3 sets of 20

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I ran out of time so only three sets today but given how good squats felt, I didnt feel too bad about being a loser on leg press.



Today has been a very busy day!  We had a lot of surgeries and a lot of walkins and it was pretty much non stop until almost 1 when I finished the last surgery which was a limb amputation on a dog that the owner had accidentally shot while sighting in his scope.  He managed to shoot the dog in the hock and blow the talus bone to pieces.   I offered them referral to a specialist but they couldnt afford it so we amputated the limb today!  Im glad they chose amputation vs euthanasia because she is a very sweet dog.

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The afternoon has been crazy with every appointment having multiple animals and only one appointment slot and we were short staffed with only one tech so it was a bit slow at times but we managed to make it through.

My massage therapist text me and she said all her kids were well and she was open for sessions again so I am headed out for a massage as soon as I finish with my last appointment.  I would have waited until tomorrow but my swallowing hasnt been working very well and my shoulder is killing me so I am going tonight because I need it and she offered!


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