Interim Training – Squats
So much has happened in the past few days and I am trying to collect my thoughts! I am a terrible rambler and I have been actively working on decreasing my word usage. Not really sure if I am making...
View ArticleInterim training – bench
I do not like change, I am antichange! I bought a new little video camera and it doesnt have any programing for making movies and it has taken me all day to figure out how to make a movie! :/ I had...
View ArticleInterim training – deads
Ughhhhhh my head hates me! That is all :) We will now return to our regularly scheduled, non whiny blog :D Yesterday was a pretty good day. I dont really remember as all the days kind of blur...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless – death by volume: squats and deads week 1
I felt like dirt friday and when my alarm went off I just stayed in bed! I can not even remember the last time I didnt get up for a workout :/ I generally go regardless of how I feel but it had been...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless – bench and rows – week 1
Last night after work I went and tanned, I love tanning. Ten minutes of UV stimulation that makes the brain happy and a tan makes everything look better. Then it was off to karate to watch Emma and...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless – Front squats and stiffs – week 1
In general, I love being older. I hated my 20s and barely tolerated my 30s but the 40s have been awesome aside from the fact that by the end of the week, I am wore plum out! I am not so sure God...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- OHP and wings – week 1
Yeah, wings. I always wanted to be able to fly. As a kid I would run around the farm in the wind with my arms out and pretend I was flying. I still occasionally do it, you laugh but I think such...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads – week 2
Let me tell you something, if you are an introvert, you will completely relate to this, if not, well, I cant help you! This whole floor rotting out thing is going to drive me completely insane! Part...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- bench and rows – week 2
Do you ever wonder what it is that some people are complete energy sucks? As much as it goes against my introvert nature, I am around people all day, every day and there are just some people that just...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- front squats and stiffs – week 2
As a kid I spent most of my free time with the animals. I grew up on a small farm and was the third of four girls and a daddys girl and I loved the animals. It didnt matter if it was the cows or...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- OHP and wings – week 2
Today has been better than I thought it would be. I have been feeling tired and run down this week but today I have felt good. I am assuming it is diet related because I have been eating terrible...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads – week 3
When I was a kid my dad rarely listened to music. He never turned it on in the vehicle and the only time that I am aware that there was music was in the barn. The electricity in the barn was set up...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- bench and rows – week 3
I wish I could say that I cant wait until saturday so I could get some down time but not this saturday. Emma has her belt testing for her tan belt in Gilbert and it is from 3-6pm. Blah. We will...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- front squats and stiffs – week 3
Ahhhhh it should really be friday today! Wednesday was a good day. The kids and I went out to Devris house first thing in the morning to take her a birthday cheese cake. It was good to see her, I...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- OHP and wings – week 3
Dang it!!! I have a nail that just lifted and it is going to be at least a week until Devri can do new ones :/ The did so very well last time and I was hoping for the same thing this time but had a...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads – week 4
I feel disgusting! And it is my own fault! When you eat bad, you feel bad! And when you allow yourself to become a pig, you feel like you are wallowing in slop and therefore you are a pig! That is...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- bench and rows- week 4
Why is it that people pay a professional and then dont do what they paid them to tell them to do? People bring in their pets and then they dont want to do what I suggest to them or tell them needs...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- front squats and stiffs- week 4
My brain is not functioning very well so this is going to be a short post. I have diagnosed myself with valley fever, coccidiomycosis, for those of you who arent from the southwest. We see it all the...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless – OHP and wings – week 4
Yesterday was completely crazy! The morning was busy but things stayed well under control and went smoothly but by 1:30 it was complete chaos until after 5. The lobby was never empty and the rooms...
View ArticleThe Road to Relentless- squats and deads- week 5
What an incredibly crazy busy day! Whew! Saturday was pretty much spent doing nothing but sitting on the couch and resting. It was great and I needed it! There was even about 2 hours of just me and...
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