Yeah, wings. I always wanted to be able to fly. As a kid I would run around the farm in the wind with my arms out and pretend I was flying. I still occasionally do it, you laugh but I think such things are good for the soul. We tend to take life so seriously that we lose the joy of just being sometimes! So wings means bis and tris for those with no sense of humor!
Oh man this day, this day has been a mess! But I will get into that at the end.
Last night David and Emma went to bible study and Zac and I stayed home doing nothing. It is nice to just hang out with your kids and just hang! Maybe it is because I am old and tired that I like to just hang and do nothing :) Im sure Zac would have much rather I jumped on the trampoline with him or some other type of physical activity!
Up this morning a bit before 4 and out the door a bit after.
OHP and bis and tris
*45# for 10
*45# for 5
*65# for 4
*75# for 3
*95# for 2
*105# for 1
*90# for 3 sets of 3 (this was supposed to be 95 but it wasnt going to happen)
*75# for 2 sets of 8
db bench press
*55# for 4 sets of 10
tri pushdowns
*70# for 5 sets of 20
bb curls
*45# for 20,15,15
hammer bar curls
*35# for 3 sets of 12
I have been very bad this week and only done abs one day. It is going to take me a bit to be more effective at this much volume and still have time and energy at the end to do a bit of ab work. Paul says that if one isnt using a belt than there is no real need for abs work which is probably true to a point but I dont want lazy abs! :)
I look really rough in this video!! Next time I will not do my rambles until after my shower!
On to the craziness of today. We had a ton of surgeries and walk ins! It was after 1 when we finished with the last surgery which was a large chronic abscess on the neck of a mastiff. I hate them because they take a ton of time and there is a lot of very important structures in that area. It was a big bloody mess!
In the midst of all these surgeries the contractors finally came to see what was going on with the collapsing floor in Zacs room. Come to find out that the contractors who built my house didnt build it according to code and they put the floor trusses on the dirt with no ventilation and all the wood is molded and infested with termites! It is bad enough that the floor collapsed but there is probably a third of the ground floor that is done the exact same way. All the flooring ripped up and ventilation done to pull out the mold and water, then all the rotten wood removed and cement poured and everything replaced. *big sigh*
no entrance for at least three days
the moisture sucking machines
I am not looking forward to this mess but it has to be done. The contractor says the tile in the master bath is already lipping and that Emmas room is very spongy as well. So between the office/used to be zacs room, the master bath, the second bath and Emmas room, I suspect it will take most of the rest of the year to get it all cleaned up doing it one room at a time. blah! :(
The afternoon was extremely busy and the lobby was always packed and it went by fast. I am glad that it is the end of the week! This workout is kicking my butt and I need a few days off :D