Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Road to Relentless – Front squats and stiffs – week 1


In general, I love being older.  I hated my 20s and barely tolerated my 30s but the 40s have been awesome aside from the fact that by the end of the week, I am wore plum out!  I am not so sure God intended us women to work 50+ hours a week plus everything else or at least not this woman!   I was thinking today that I am not sure what I would do if I had an actual day off with during the week.  For the past almost 6 years as long as I have not had to be out of town for a meeting, I have worked every weekday!  I am not sure if I would know what to do if I wasnt working but I wouldnt mind trying to figure it out :)

Yesterday they came in and installed/updated our computers and veterinary programing system and so of course we have had nothing but problems.  I really hate computers.  They are way smarter than I am and have zero patience for them.  Thankfully I found some computer guy and he has been here for a few hours updating and such and they seem to be working a bit better.

Up a bit before 4 and out the door about 10 after with ball cap this time.

front squats and stiffs

stretching a bit

front squats

*45# for 20

*45# for 10

*65# for 5

*95# for 4

*105# for 3

*115# for 2

*135# for 1

*115# for 8 sets of 5

my endurance sucks so bad!!  I am trying to be very efficient with my movements and time so I can get everything done in the hour and a half that I have which means pretty much go, take a few breaths, go again, repeat.


stiff legged deads

*135# for 5

*185# for 4

*225# for 3

*165# for 2 sets of 20



split legged squats

*bw for 5 sets of 20 each leg


it was all I could do to make myself do all five sets of these.  not that bw is that big of deal but the wimpy wheels were not happy with me as they were still sore from mondays workout and Im just a big baby! :)

The one nice thing about going to the gym at 4ish instead of 5ish is that I am home more with the monchers in the morning and I like that and so do they.  One of their biggest complaints has always been that I was gone when they got up and now, I am still gone but back and able to spend over an hour with them before taking them to school.

We had a busy day today at the office today.  We managed to get our 13 or so surgeries done before noon along with an extra large spay that had a vaginal prolapse.  Poor dog had had her vagina prolapsed for 3 months!  I dont get how people can look at them that long and not do anything.

The afternoon was very busy and and after we finished all the appointments in the office there was a cow with a vaginal prolapse to take care of.  Thankfully she wasnt that bad and it went in easy and all was good.


epidurals make everything better!


Thankfully Jenns brother was around to help push it in so all was good!

Im very glad that tomorrow is friday!  Saturday we have to do a dreaded rabies clinic.  I hate doing them and am hoping after this one that we wont have to do anymore as the gal from morenci is coming down and doing them here and the new tractor supply has been doing at least one a month so there is no reason for me to do them!  One does not make enough money at them to make it worth the time!

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