Last night after work I went and tanned, I love tanning. Ten minutes of UV stimulation that makes the brain happy and a tan makes everything look better. Then it was off to karate to watch Emma and home for dinner and bed. Zac seems to be struggling right now and I am not entirely sure what to do about it. He has taken to getting upset over everything. If I ask him to do something he starts saying, “Im sorry, Im sorry!” There is no reason for him to be sorry and he just works himself all up about it. The more I try to talk to him, the worse he gets. With Emma I can go in and talk to her and explain things to her and she gets it, Zac, he doesnt want to get it. I think part of the problem is that after two months of working the horse races every weekend he was used to spending a lot of time with me. Since the horse races are over, we havent had the one on one time like we did then and I think he is missing it and doesnt know how to figure it out. The past few weekends have been busy and I havent been able to just hang out with the kids so I am hoping that I can make up for it the next couple.
I am so proud of Emma. She has really struggled with her reading and was usually never much more than 30% of her AR goal. I have no idea what AR even means or what its significance is other than the kids are always taking tests on books they have read and if they pass they move up and they are supposed to reach a certain level at a certain time. School is so complicated these days :/ Anyway a few months ago Emma decided she wanted to meet a certain reading goal and so she started reading an hour every day and she is now at 100% of her AR goal and the first one in her class to reach 100%. I am so proud of her because I know she really struggled with reading and has tried hard to get better at it and it is really paying off.
I got up about 3:45 am and went and drank my shake and ate my half a peanut butter sandwich and dressed, took my preworkout stuff and headed out the door a bit after 4. I forgot my dang ball cap so I had grosso hair hanging all over the place. (yes, I am a very vain person, I admit it)
bench and rows
I did walk on the treadmill for a brief 5 mins followed by some stretching.
*45# for 20
*65# for 10
*85# for 8
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*125# for 3
*135# for 2
*145# for 1
*115# for 8,7,8,7,6
These were all supposed to be for 8 but there was no way!! It is going to take me a month or two to get used to this kind of volume. It is a good thing, dont get me wrong, I just have to convince my body of if :)
*95# for 11
very unimpressive!
I was suppose to pause every rep and I know I failed in doing that successfully. I also really let my elbows flare as I get more tired. I suppose like most things, as one gets stronger, this happens less.
incline bench
*75# for 15,15,13
The total over three sets is supposed to be 50 and I missed it by a mile but I will get there.
db rows
I havent done db rows in probably over a year and a half and did it ever feel like it!
*40# for 5 sets of 20 each side
it was tough to get them all done so it was probably the perfect weight to use.
v bar rows
*120# for 5
*100# for 6
it was supposed to be 2 sets of heavy for 6. I actually tried 140# at first but damn it if I could only get one. 120# was still too heavy to do with good form but 100# was too light so next time I will go for 110#.
*80# for 2 sets of 12
and that was it for this workout. When I started I thought I would be able to do better than I did but alas, no such luck today. :(
My battery was dying on my camera so I didnt video anything other than the bench which is probably a good thing because I was sucking air bad!
Today has been a pretty good day at the office. We had the usual surgeries and walkins but everything went very smoothly. I like days like this. The only thing I dont like is the fact that nothing cool or unusual came in. Well, that is not entirely true as we did have a horse come in that had all four legs swollen and its muzzle swollen and oozing but the owners didnt want to spend any money on it and so they just had it put down.
Finally got my camera monitor back working after two weeks. It is wonderful to be able to sit back away from things and look around and see where someone is or how many people have invaded the front lobby. Thank goodness David is electronically smart :)
The afternoon went by fast and it is almost time to go and I am glad. Going to go and make dinner and go tanning again and get all ready for bed so when the kids get back from their aunts we can all go to bed :)
I am sure you are all so very jealous of my incredibly boring life of work and sleep :) It is interesting to me how much more I desire a tight schedule and for things to be routine as I have gotten older. I suppose it is probably because we are so busy at the clinic and there isnt much down time for me so rest is very appealing to my introvert self.