Let me tell you something, if you are an introvert, you will completely relate to this, if not, well, I cant help you! This whole floor rotting out thing is going to drive me completely insane! Part of the process involves some type of big fan thingy that blows for some random reason in the main part of the house and it is LOUD and it NEVER stops!!! UGHHHHHHHH There was NO peace and definitely NO quiet in my house all weekend and I am so overstimulated by noise right now! It is a nightmare on so many levels!!
Saturday we had a rabies clinic and it was amazingly busy. The Tractor Supply has been doing clinics twice a month for the past several months and one of the out of town vets had come in and done a rabies clinic the weekend before and so I figured we would do this one and not do any more because there is no point in us doing them when everyone else is. But we were pretty much busy the entire time. The first hour was non stop cars and the middle hour was consistent with always at least one or two or three cars and the last hour was busy again! Who knew! I suppose we will have to do another one now.
Beautiful Emma and Charlie before the clinic.
A great and effective team!
Sunday was church and Devri came in and did my nails afterwards. We had a great visit and solved all the worlds problems in a few hours :) I have missed having her around the clinic and it was good to just visit.
coming home from our sunday night walk!
Had several emergency calls last night that greatly disrupted my sleep. I am always amazed at what people will put off until the middle of the night and then call and then have no money!
Up at 3:45 and off to the gym by 4:15.
squats and deads
*45# fot 20
*95# for 10
*115# for 8
*135# for 5
*155# for 4
*165# for 3
*185# for 2
*205# for 1
*165# for 5 sets of 5
It is amazing to me at how fast the body adapts to change. Last week I thought I would die, this week seemed not so bad. Im sure part of it was the horrible week and weekend that I had had prior to the last monday that was emotionally exhausting. Regardless, I was glad that everything seemed easier this week and I wasnt sucking air so bad. Paul telling me to stick my ass out farther to help me get lower was very helpful although I am still missing parallel, especially when I get tired.
*205# for 5
*225# for 4
*245# for 3
*205# for 3 sets of 3
Paul significantly dropped the weight I was using on my deads. Having never done deads after squats, wow, total volume overload and I couldnt get my top reps pulled. Today was easy and felt good so I guess we will see if he bumps it back up some.
single leg leg press
*95# for 5 sets of 20 each leg
I stuck with the same on this for this week but will probably bump it up a few pounds next week.
*2 sets of 30
Im hoping that I will have enough time this week to get abs in everyday and not wimp out and make excuses to not do them.
I knew it was going to be a tough day given that it was monday and Devri is still gone but when I was working out I heared Jenns text tone go off and at that time of morning it always means she has a migraine and today was no different. She came in late but I sent her home because there is no sense in her being here when she has a migraine. It made for a balls to the wall monday surgery craziness! (does that even make sense?)
We had 13 surgeries scheduled already and all of them dogs and most of them dog spays. I dont know how a day like this happens but it did. Then we had a pit bull bitch from the indian reservation come in with a prolapsed vagina, yep, two in less than a week, crazy! So we had to add her in as well. Everyone worked their tails off and we got done about 1:15 shortly before the first afternoon appointments. I am still very surprised given all the walk ins that came in and the lack of help that we got it done. I have an awesome group working for me right now and I wouldnt trade any of them!
I am going to wrap this up before things go chaotic, we will see you all tomorrow!
Chuck, he is a good dog!
Im not entirely sure what Zac was doing but, he thought it was great!