Do you ever wonder what it is that some people are complete energy sucks? As much as it goes against my introvert nature, I am around people all day, every day and there are just some people that just being around them sucks all your energy and leaves you in a cranky mood! Sometimes you dont even realize it until they are gone and then it is like, wow, I never realized how much that person took from me. Today has been full of a lot of energy sucking people, it is amazing I still have a head left and it hasnt exploded :D
Zac came home from school upset yesterday and I am not entirely sure what happened other than when I asked he said, Ms Garado. She is the aide for their classroom and according to both Emma and Zac, she hates all the kids and does everything to make them all miserable. Every time she is the teacher when Ms Walker is gone, Zac struggles because he always gets in trouble. Now I know kids dont always tell the whole truth but for the most part Zac is a pretty good kid and he HATES to get into trouble, it goes against his introvert nature so I know that some of it has to be the aide and her attitude and actions towards him. So we went to walmart and got some stuff for a care package to send off to a little girl that has Pfeiffers syndrome. Zac loves to do things for others so he did a lot better until it was time to do his homework and then it was drama and anger. *big sigh* raising kids is tough but they deserve all a parents love and attention to help them get through childhood and the teenage years!
Got to bed at a decent time and slept good until a killer calf cramp woke me at 3:30. Rolled out of bed at 3:50 and out the door a bit after 4.
bench and rows
*45# for 20
*65# for 10
*85# for 8
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*125# for 2
*135# for 1
I was supposed to do 130# as my top but was too lazy to go search around for the weights so just loaded the 45s. Still going too slow and so will need to work on increasing my bar speed.
*115# for 8,8,8,8,7
*95# for 14
was happy to get closer to the 5 sets of 8 at 115# and a few more reps on the AMAP set at 95# just have to keep working to get more reps!
incline bench
*75# for 15, 13, 16
not sure what was going on with the second set but got to keep pushing.
db rows
*40# for 5 sets of 20 each arm
v bar pulldowns
*110# for 2 sets of 6
*80# for 2 sets of 12
I was headed to go do abs when I got stopped by this dude who wanted to chat about his daughter wanting to be a veterinarian.
It wasnt too bad of a morning surgery wise. We finished up about 11:30 and seemed to get everything and everyone taken care of in a timely fashion. I like it when that happens after a day like yesterday. Recovery is a good thing!
The restoration dude showed up today and opened up the room with the mold and termites. He is such an odd duck! He has the attention span of a two year old! He walked out on the floor and it all collapsed under him, good times! They cleared it all out but the bastard blowing fan has to stay because allegedly he is protecting me from the mold! Ughhh I think I would rather face a few mold spores!
The afternoon is moving right along and I think we have some horses coming in at 4. I am hoping to be done by 5 so that I can go and watch Emma do her tip testing!