Ughhhhhh my head hates me! That is all :) We will now return to our regularly scheduled, non whiny blog :D
Yesterday was a pretty good day. I dont really remember as all the days kind of blur together. We had someone drop off a cat in a trap outside the clinic. That stuff irritates me! Grow some huevos and just bring it in. I have no problem neutering it and turning it back out.
This little dog came in with half its nose bitten off by a pit bull. One must be careful where they stick their nose.
Went to sleep last night not really feeling great but hoping that by morning it would all be good and it wasnt. One of the few things about getting old that I dont like is that the body gets wore down and it takes longer for it to get itself running back to strong again. I honestly have not been sick this much in probably eight years and it irritates me no end!
I got up before 4 as I had pretty much been awake since 1 because I couldnt get comfortable. Got ready and headed out the door.
dreadmill warm up that did nothing to stop my head from hurting. It was one of those headaches that feels like an “I ate too much ice cream too fast and now my brain is freezing” type headache and I was hoping it would go away when I got my bloods flowing but it didnt.
*135# for 2 sets of 10
my hammies were sooo tight and wanted so bad to cramp up so I went very slow.
*185# for 2 sets of 5
*225# for 7 singles
I had intended on using 225# for a warm up and then moving up to 275# for working sets but every time I bent over my head tried to explode. After failing miserably to pull 225# with any kind of decent form I just called it a day! I start a new program on monday and I have a wedding to go to tonight and I just couldnt find any good reason to torture myself.
I came home and took 4 advil and laid down for a bit but that is pretty futile between the kids and the dogs. I got to the office and started some antibiotics as much as I hate to I have way too much to do the next 3 days to be sick.
Today has gone pretty well. Surgeries actually were done before noon but the afternoon has been crazy. I am hoping to get out of here shortly so I can go and get cleaned up for the wedding.