Today has been better than I thought it would be. I have been feeling tired and run down this week but today I have felt good. I am assuming it is diet related because I have been eating terrible this week and today I have followed directions and I feel good. One would think at this age I would make better choices knowing what a difference it makes!
Zac had a mini melt down last night. He has been struggling lately and I am not entirely sure what the cause is but he has been excessively needy and demanding and cranky, I decided last night to stop his video game playing and see how he does without that stimulation. I dont have or allow video games in the house but his dad has a bunch of them and so he agreed to not let Zac play them for awhile to see if it makes a difference in how he is coping with stuff. Personally, I expect it to make a huge difference. If one researches what video games do to the brain, no one would want their child playing them.
Rolled out of bed and out the door and got to the gym and my dear hubby had not replaced my gym card that he had borrowed yesterday. So back home and search the jeep and back to the gym. I thought I did a great job at not being cranky about it but he said my text was not nice :) I thought it was very nice considering :D
OHP and bis and tris
*45# for 10,5
*65# for 4
*75# for 3
*95# for 2
*105# for 1 BARELY! I suck so bad at OHP :/
db bench press
*55# for 3 sets of 10, 8
bb curls
*45# for 25, 15, 16
tri pushdowns
*70# for 5 sets of 20
reverse grip curls
*50# for 3 sets of 15
incline situps
*45# for 22
We had so many walkins this morning and Jenn was johnny on the spot with the first surgery patient that by 8:30ish it felt like we had done a days work! There were a lot of walk ins this morning and a lot of surgeries but everything went smoothly, except for drawing blood on the rams, and we were done a bit after noon.
The afternoon has been moving right along and I am quite ready for it to be over. We are taking the kids to go and see Spiderman 2 tonight if I can get out of the office in time. Zac is very excited of course. He and I made a deal this morning that he would do what I asked him and I would not be so cranky :) so far so good.
Tomorrow it is up early and off to Sonoita for the horse races. Thankfully it is only one weekend and some good clients called and said that the kids and I could stay at their place on Saturday night. That makes it much easier for me because usually I drive back and forth and it means getting home late and getting up early. The kids are excited to be going but I would like to be home and watching the kentucky derby on my couch and not in a crowd of random screaming drunk people :/ But, one never knows when there will no longer be horse races in sonoita or heck, even in the state of Arizona so I guess I should consider it a privilege :D