When I was a kid my dad rarely listened to music. He never turned it on in the vehicle and the only time that I am aware that there was music was in the barn. The electricity in the barn was set up so that when you turned on the lights, the radio came on as well. We had a couple of milk cows and we milked by hand twice a day, every day, from the middle of September to about Mayish. My dad was a school teacher and so it made sense to milk during school when we were always going to be around. (Maybe that is why I dont think much about working every day, all day and not necessarily having a day off) Anyway, I remember being a teenager and thinking it was dreadful to have to drive without music and be in the house without music. Now as an adult, I like the quietness of no music! I have never been super musically driven and the older I get, the less and less I even want to hear it. Like so many things in life, what we swore we would never do or never be like when we are young and dumb, is exactly what we become when we are older. My life is so overstimulated these days that all music does is add to the commotion and drives me a bit crazier :D Just a random piece of worthless information for the day.
Friday night we went and saw Spiderman 2. It was ok, long and boring and so lacking in a good story line. And the girl dies in the end and I know it was needed so that spiderman can do what needs to be done and they can make another one but it sucked. Yeah, I know, I suck for spoiling it but Im not a nice person :D
Saturday it was up early and off to the races in Sonoita.
The monchers and I in front of a bronze done by Deb Fellows.
It was HOT!!! The track was so deep and by the end of day I was dying! My old joints do not care for uneven surfaces these days. We spent the night with some good friends and clients, Fred and Deb Fellows. They are amazing artists and wonderful people. Their house is a spectacular display of old western antiques!
The front entry way. A very small sampling of the amazing stuff in their house.
I freeze branded this One Famous Eagle colt.
The kids swam in the pool and we had a nice dinner and went to bed early. The next morning it was up and ready and breakfast with discussion on how to make everything better for next year as it is the 100th year of horse racing in Sonoita Arizona. All the horses kept their legs on in spite of the bad track conditions and I think it would be safe to say that it was a successful weekend.
Driving home I so bad wanted to email Paul Carter and tell him that my workout was going to suck because I was old and wore out but I just couldnt let myself!! One cant start allowing life and the circumstances there of to become a stumbling block for what you want to achieve. So up this morning at 3:50 and out the door a bit after 4.
squats and deads
*45# for 20
*95# for 10
*115# for 8
*135# for 5
*155# for 4
*175# for 3
*185# for 2
*205# for 1
*165# for 5 sets of 5
Still much to work on for form! Knees out, chest up, ass out and down. Some days I wonder if I will ever get it to all click, yeah, probably not but I shall keep trying.
*205# for 5
*225# for 4
*245# for 3
*205# for 3 sets of 3
one leg leg press
*95# for 5 sets of 20
I was so happy to make it through this workout!! I had big doubts on whether or not I would get it all and it was NOT pretty by any stretch of the imagination but in the end, I think it was better than making an excuse and not even doing it!
Today has been an ok day. Nothing very exciting and busy but not overwhelming which was good given that we are very short staffed and I am old and tired :) (and the r isnt working very well on my computer so it used to say we were shot staffed and I was old and tied :D )
The afternoon is its usual double booked and things are moving right along. I have got to make it to Emmas karate tonight and other than that and the grocery store as we have no food in the house, I am headed to bed as soon as possible!