My brain is not functioning very well so this is going to be a short post. I have diagnosed myself with valley fever, coccidiomycosis, for those of you who arent from the southwest. We see it all the time in dogs. Probably not a week goes by when we dont get a positive valley fever dog and we treat them for extended periods of time with antifungals. Apparently in people it is a) difficult to diagnosis and b) not really treated even if you do have it. But I am not willing to not try somethings. I have not been sick for 6 years or so and now I havent been well for months and I can not take it any longer. I have ordered me several different natural antifungals and I cant wait to get them and see if they help. I am all about natural homeopathic remedies and not being ill! :/
Yesterday was busy. I dont remember much about other than there was a bunch of horses at the end of the day and so it was close to six before we finished with everything.
Went to bed early and it was still a struggle to get up this morning. Yes, I am very whiny today and every time I cough, which is frequent, I pee! And the lobby is full and has been full and the parking lot is overflowing and all I really want to do is go to bed. So there :)
front squats and stiffs
front squats
*45# for 20
*45# for 10
*65# for 5
*95# for 4
*105# for 3
*115# for 2
*135# for 1
*165# for 1
*125# for 5 sets of 5
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Paul wants me to change the way I hold the bar. He is correct in that I lean too far forward especially when I start to get fatigued. His way is going to be incredibly uncomfortable which I can tolerate but not so sure I could have done it today when I was already struggling to breath!
stiff legged deads
*135# for 5
*185# for 4
*225# for 5
*185# for 2 sets of 5
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load the glutes and hams
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split legged squats
*bw for 5 sets of 20
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Been working hard on following my diet, didnt do so well at noon today but something about being tired and knowing that you have to work makes me think that eating is going to make it better. But at least I ate meatloaf and not sweets!
I dont really remember much about today other than we had a lot of surgeries and walk ins but were done before noon. The last surgery was a little dachshund to remove bladder stones. Poor little thing.
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Ive got to get to work so I can get the front office cleared out and hopefully go home and get to bed early!
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