Why is it that people pay a professional and then dont do what they paid them to tell them to do? People bring in their pets and then they dont want to do what I suggest to them or tell them needs to be done. Why are you bringing it to me if you already know the answer; arent going to do anything; are arent going to do what I tell you? I just dont get it. I know it happens in every profession and then people complain because they didnt get the results or the answers they wanted but one has to ask, did you even listen? Did you even want to know? It isnt the professionals fault if you dont do what you are supposed to do. Random rant over.
Day 2 of trying to do better and follow my diet that I paid a professional to write for me and then have failed him greatly by being a fat lazy pig!! Oink oink! It will take a few days to get rid of the cravings of all the sweet stuff! But I will get there because I cant stand being this heavy right now and feeling my fat hang out over my jeans :/
Got up at 3:50 and was a bit late getting out the door. I have been moving so slow this week. Too many days of doing stuff without a day of rest in there. Hopefully will get some in this weekend. I scheduled a massage for 9 am and I cant wait! My back is begging me for some attention!
bench and rows
*45# for 20
*65# for 10
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*125# for 2
*135# for 1
*115# for 5 sets of 8
*95# for 18
I havent yet sent my video to Paul for my ass chewing because my stupid computer is sick and has not been working well lately and for the second day in a row I had to have the computer doctor over to work on it. I am hoping that it will be a good because I actually for the first time on this program hit all my numbers and remembered to do my 95# AMAP with an increase of 6 reps.
incline bench
*75# for 16,16,17
db rows
*45# for 5 sets of 20
V bar pulldowns
*120# for 2 sets of 6
*90# for 2 sets of 12
It has been a good day at the clinic. Surgeries went smoothly and the afternoon has been moving right along. We still havent had any interesting cases or broken legs come in but I guess that is good for the dogs and cats out there in smallville!
I am often amazed at the hard heartedness of my fellow colleagues. Believe me, I understand the need to be paid for ones time and services but sometimes a little compassion goes a long way! Thats all for now folks :)