Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Road to Relentless- squats and deads – week 4


I feel disgusting!  And it is my own fault!  When you eat bad, you feel bad!  And when you allow yourself to become a pig, you feel like you are wallowing in slop and therefore you are a pig!  That is pretty much how I feel and deservedly so!  I lived off lemon bars for a few weeks and then this weekend ate and ate and ate and it was all horrible food and now I feel and look and am horrible.  :)  The worst part about it all is that it is all my fault :(  But I am going to do better because I hate myself when I get this heavy.  My natural instinct is to stop eating and I know that isnt good so imagine that I am just going back to the nutrition plan that I paid Nick to write for me.  *shakinghead*  *imadork*

Ok, so on to the not so whiny stuff.  Saturday was up and off to Phoenix for Emmas belt testing.  We went up early and went to the Arizona Mills Mall and the Sea Life Aquarium.  Zac just wanted to see the octupus and Emma thought the whole thing was dreadfully boring.  The octopus and Zac fell in love with each other instantly and he spent about a half hour watching it.

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After Sea Life we meandered around the mall and I wanted to stab myself repeatedly because the kids were so whiny and fighting with each other and complaining!  We did have 30 mins of bliss while they rode those large things around and I had my eyebrows threaded.  The girl did an awesome job, wish we had someone in smallville who did such things.

It was finally time to head to the Junior High were the belt exam was going to be.  It was then 3+ hours of sitting on hard bleachers.  Next one I will order me some stadium seats to take!  Emma did great and I am very proud of her!

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Emma with Master DePalma

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Emma and Sir

We got back about 10:30 pm and I had to do a c section on a little dog that had been waiting all day.  The owners didnt have any money so they couldnt take it anywhere else.  All the puppies were fine except for the one that had been stuck in the birth canal and dead when she got to the clinic.

photo (6)

Sunday was up for church and then off to Tucson to look at a hairless kitten for Zac.  He loves animals and I need a bit of incentive for him and a kitten seems to be the trick.  It was over a two hour drive in horrible wind for him to spend 15 mins with the one he wanted and then back on the road and home.

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Road tripping!

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Zac and skittle

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Went to bed early and was still not ready to get up when the alarm went off at 3:50am but I did.


squats and deads


*45# for 20

*95# for 10

*115# for 8

*135# for 5

*155# for 4

*165# for 3

*185# for 1

*155# for 8 sets of 5

photo (14)


*205# for 5

*225# for 4

*245# for 5

*205# for 9 (was supposed to be 3 sets of 3 but I was running out of time)

photo (2)

photo (4)

one legged leg press

*105# for 5 sets of 20 each leg

photo (9)

I started doing my HLRs at home at night because I have got to get back on the ab program!


It has been a very busy day today!  We didnt finish with surgeries until almost 1 and there were a bazillion walk ins.  There still havent been any good bone surgeries or interesting cases come in though :/

The afternoon was pretty much double booked and went by nice and fast.  We are waiting on a sick puppy to get here from morenci now.  Which is ok because the maintenance  guy for all our equipment didnt get here until about an hour ago and he hasnt made much progress.  I have no idea why he would show up at 4 grrrrr!

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