Yesterday was completely crazy! The morning was busy but things stayed well under control and went smoothly but by 1:30 it was complete chaos until after 5. The lobby was never empty and the rooms were always full and there were horses waiting outside. I have to say that I am thankful to God for the blessing of a thriving practice! There are times when it all seems overwhelming and then I remember that it all belongs to Him so all I have to do is keep smiling and get my work done. It is a great way to run a business! Thank you Jesus for your grace that covers me each day!
I have been feeling pretty sorry for myself because I cant seem to shake this sinus cold crud. But I have no reason to feel sorry of myself, yep, I have a little cold but it will get better and I will forget all about it but there are people and families out there that live with chronically ill children and it will never end for them. Everyday they deal with it and deal with it and deal with it! Who am I to complain about a mere cold?!
One of the children that I follow through Relentless is named Kate the Great. Her mom has been doing a question and answer on facebook and I saw one of the questions where someone asked if her and her husband ever had any date time. Her answer was maybe lunch or dinner or a movie once or twice a year. Here I am complaining because I have a headache and these people deal with the struggle of a child with pfeiffers syndrome every day 365 days a year. She will always have struggles and I am sure that it is extremely difficult coping with not just the financial and physical requirements but the emotional strain and drain as well.
I am so blessed to be a small part of Relentless and to have my eyes opened to how easy my life is and even more importantly, to the greater need of people that are outside my circle! Thank you Jesus for this!
I wasnt feeling the best on friday morning and breathing was a struggle but I headed off to the gym because the way I figure, if I can go to work, I can go to the gym. It might not be the best workout but it is training my body to work through adversity and that is never a bad thing.
OHP and bis and tris
*45# for 10
*65# for 5
*75# for 3
*95# for 2
*105# for FAIL
*90# for 3 sets of 3
*70# for 2 sets of 8
I used the thumbless grip and it felt fine. I was supposed to increase everything 5# but I knew it was going to be a struggle so I kept with what I had been doing and even dropped 5# for the last 2 sets.
db bench
*55# for 10
*55# for 8
*55# for 8
*55# for 10
these felt so heavy! I switch to holding them with my palms facing in and it definitely feels different but I have to say all I was thinking about is getting through them.
bb curls
*45# for 25
*45# for 15
*45# for 15
I didnt want to be a complete loser and not get close to last weeks first set
tri pushdowns
*70# for 5 sets of 20
I was very happy to be done with this workout. I must be getting too old to work every day for weeks and weeks. Cant imagine how that happens!
I had intended on doing some online continuing ed courses this weekend but something is screwed up with the login info and I cant get in :/ It makes me crabby because I had resigned myself to doing it and now I cant and that means that I have to do it either during the week or next weekend. Mainly it irritates me because it isnt following what I had planned on doing. Can you tell I dont like things to change?
I am meeting a woman from the church for lunch and to discuss helping her with a fitness plan and accountability. I am not very good at such things but I can completely understand the struggle and frustration of weighing more than you want and not being able to find the motivation to change your current lifestyle!
Have a great weekend everyone and I shall see you all on monday!