I am very happy it is friday! Tomorrow will be great just because it can be! :)
This week has kicked my butt and unfortunately, it wasnt the gym kicking it but just work. Vacations are horrible from the standpoint that you lose conditioning and they are exhausting in their own way! To add to that for me, it means all those people who couldnt get in last week are here this week along with all this weeks people! Im whiny, I know. I get whiny when I get tired.
Got up at 3:50 and headed off to the gym.
Thankfully the dork from monday that had to play his horrible hip hoppy music never showed up again while I was there.
fronts and stiffs
*45# for 20
*45# for 10
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*135# for 3
*155# for 2
*165# for 1
*135# for 5 sets of 8
I knew I was in trouble when 135# felt heavy at 3. I think Paul just puts these horrible numbers together to punish me for something!
*185# for 3 sets of 8
Thank goodness!
leg press
*400# for 3 sets of 10
I should have done more weight, probably 5 or 600 but I was feeling very ambitious :/
incline situps
*2 sets of 20
The two foreign body dogs are both doing great!! They are both getting food and keeping it down! I am very happy.
Zoey! She has had a very rough go of it and I am so very happy that she is doing better!
The morning surgeries got a very late start yet again because of walk ins and emergencies. We had a horse come in with a laceration on its nostril. They had been at a rodeo or roping in Reno and had spent the night in Vegas and the horse had got its nose hooked on the water bucket handle. Anyway here are these to ropers, and I know the type because the kids dad is a roper and I lived it for ten years, I sedate the horse and start cleaning its nose. I am sure they thought like every cowboy type does when they see me, “thats the vet? She isnt going to be able to work on this horse.” For some reason, apparently, a blond woman who tries to keep herself up, cant be smart enough to be a vet. It has happened my whole career so by now, I am used to it. So anyway, as I am cleaning the wound the one says, “have you ever taken care of a cut like this on a horse?” If I was quick witted I would have said, “No, in fact this is the first horse I have ever touched!” But I am not and I just said, “Yes, many.” when it was all said and done they were all very impressed with the way it was done!
Lloyd the calf came in to get his cast removed. The leg has healed great but he is a failure of passive transfer calf and has joint ill in all four legs :(
Power tool cast remover. No need for a $1200 cast cutter :)
Lloyd is happy it is off.
He stood great even with his poor swollen joints!
The afternoon is well on the way to being very busy so I am going to wrap this up and post it. Zac has a swim meet tonight and the weather is hotter than hell and the wind is blowing like crazy so it will be a miserable time for sure!