I am so glad that there are people out there who are smarter than me! Going to a three day a week workout schedule is genius for me right now and just goes to show that sometimes we need somebody else to tell us what to do because stubbornness is not always a good thing! It may never be a good thing to be honest! I guess that is why I pay someone smarter than I to think for me :)
Friday after work was Zacs swim meet. He did great. So very proud of him and how well he is doing and how much effort he puts into it. They have one meet left and that is the final meet and one has to qualify for it. I think Zac will probably qualify for 2 out of the three that he does.
Charlie was a huge hit at the swim meet.
Saturday was my massage and then we went and watched Transformers. It was alright. Zac loved it but I was checking the time after about 45 mins and it was a two and a half hour movie. It was a bit slow but in the end the Auto Bots win and Optimus Prime flies off into space to go after his creators.
My little boy and I running errands before the movie.
That evening we had an ice cream social to attend for church. The woman who planned it did a great job with everything and everyone had a good time.
David and I were the first to get to play dress up!
Sunday was church and then Devri did my nails. I was not in a very creative mood and neither was Devri so we did the same thing as last time only with blue. They remind me of water which is good because it is HOT here and cool water would be nice!
I was supposed to take Zac down to get his new kitten but thankfully Jenn was already in Tucson so she picked her up for me. It was great not having to drive 2 hours one way and back. Zac loves his kitty and she is very very sweet. She is a hairless cat, sphinx, and she has an awesome personality.
Charlie thinks she is pretty neat.
I just think she is pretty!
One other random thing that happened this weekend was we had an earthquake about 35 miles away at almost 10pm on friday night. The house shook and my mind first thought that search and rescue, which is across the street, was landing a helicopter or something and then I thought maybe my house was going to cave in because of shoddy construction and then it thought maybe it was an after shock from some other earthquake. I had never thought we would get one so close.
upper body
db bench
*20# for 20
*30# for 10
*40# for 5
*50# for 10,8,6,6
I totally sucked on these!!! I walked into the gym and some dude was using the incline bench :/ So I had to change things up a bit and it made me cranky.
incline bench
*95# for 12,12,12,10
bb curls
*45# for 30,20,20
db rows
*50# for 3 sets of 20
I had set my bench all up and cleared out the area from all the not put away weights and the other dude came down to that end of the gym and took over my bench :/ Seriously, he had the whole front half of the gym, why come and take my one cleaned up area and bench.
incline situps
*2 sets of 20
It has been an odd monday. We had a fat pug come in yesterday on emergency for a urethral blockage and I did emergency surgery on it but I could not get one of the stones out of the urethra. We tried again this morning and ended up having to open some of the vagina up in order to get enough room in there to get the stone pushed back into the bladder. Poor thing. Her parents are elderly and they are so worried about her. I am very glad we were able to get it pushed back and now hopefully we can get it dissolved.
I fly up to Idaho on the 4th to get my little birdie! I have missed her and am excited to see her again. She calls me every morning and night and sounds so happy. I am glad she went up to visit her cousins and my parents but I will be glad when she is home again.
We are supposed to have some horses coming in and so far, they havent shown up which is fine with me as it is hot out there :) The castrations are easy but there were two teeth floats as well and they suck even when it isnt a bazillion degrees and are ten times worse when it is hot and sticky!