I would really love to take a little nap right now but the housekeeper is at the house so that is a no go :/
Last night was the kids school award and graduation ceremony and it was beyond dreadful! They pass out a few rewards to the kids who read excessively and then it is randomness for another hour and a half and than it is thankfully over. Emma tried for a reading award but she got started too late to have in enough minutes and so we spent that whole time there for nothing really. As we were leaving Zac says, “Why do we get all dressed up and sit there bored for nothing?” I have to agree with him!
I was very happy to come home and go to bed! Up this morning at 3:50 and off to the gym.
Front squats and stiffs
front squats
*45# for 20
*45# for 10
*65# for 5
*95# for 4
*105# for 3
*115# for 2
*135# for 1
*165# for 1
*125# for 5 sets of 5
So I was supposed to use a different grip on front today that Paul came up with but I had a sinus headache and my sinuses were super congested and there was no way I was going to shove a bar into my neck and compress my trachea in half when I was already struggling to breathe! I made a very conscious effort to stay more upright and they felt pretty good once I was warmed up. I will say those first couple sets make me wonder sometimes why I lift with everything going snap, crackle, pop!
*135# for 5
*185# for 4
*225# for 5
*205# for 2 sets of 5
I was supposed to do 225# for 8 and I was way off in lala land and didnt even look at my notebook and numbers and only did 5. *facepalm* I didnt realize it until I had already pulled and switched the weight to 205# :/
split legged squats
*5 sets of 20
these I dread more than anything else! Im tired and my legs burn and I HATE them so I do them because I figure if I hate something, it must be good for me somehow!
It is the last day of school for the kids. They are excited, me, well, I am excited to see them after school but I am not so excited that by monday they are going to be driving me insane with “mom, im bored, what can I do?” I send them to do kennels but somehow they always end up not in the kennel room!
I did sign them both up for the swim team and that starts next week and is for a bit over an hour every morning monday through friday with meets on fridays. They are both good swimmers and I think it will be good for them. Swimming is a good sport and I remember wishing that I knew how to do it better as a kid. We had a canal that ran through the middle of the property but you cant really swim in a canal.
We had a bunch of dentals today which is good for me because it means that I dont have to do them :) Finished with everything by 11:30 so I ran the kids swim registration to town hall and went tanning. There was a horse that was colicing very badly and had been dropped off to be euthanized and as soon as Jenn and I walked out to put it down, it was raining and blowing dirt and stuff was going everywhere. I no sooner got the horse put down and we got back inside and it all cleared up, for about 30 mins. It looks like we have another little storm that is going to hit any time now. Got to love crazy arizona weather!
I have to tell you, by this time every week, I am so ready to be done! Not that I dont love what I do but we are so busy and I dont get any days off or time away during the week and dealing with all the people sucks the life out of me! I cant wait to go to bed tonight and it is only 1 pm :/ Moral of the story- if you are an introvert, dont live in smallville and be the only veterinarian :)
Chuck always grabs a toy and runs through the house with it when I get home. This morning he grabbed his teddy bear and then laid down in front of my sink with it. Pretty cute for a 160# boerboel!