I am very thankful to be leaving on a mini kind of vacation next week. It stresses me to be gone from the clinic for a whole week but I know everyone will survive and be fine. Im also worried about Letters because she is my baby and she really doesnt like very many people. Devri has graciously agreed to take her home so I am hoping that she doesnt take off or make a big pest of herself by being cranky and unapproachable.
I am very distracted this afternoon. That tends to happen more towards the end of the week as I get tired. I cant seem to keep my brain focused on anything for very long. Personally, I think it is normal and it is the same for kids. What we should be doing instead of giving them drugs is teaching them to recognize it and cope with it. It isnt that I cant stay focused, it is just I am not trying hard enough when tired, it takes more effort.
Yesterday was a good day for the sole fact that Dr Rita Sanders has agreed to come and work for me! I am doing a happy dance in my head, really, I am!
Got up this morning and headed out to the gym. They have actually started the cooler and it isnt as hot as the surface of the sun, at least not today.
front squats and stiffs
front squats
*45# for 20
*45# for 10
#65# for 8
*95# for 5
*105# for 4
*115# for 3
*135# for 2
*165# for 1
*175# for 1
*185# for 1
*155# for 4 sets of 8
I was dreading the sets of 8. I struggle with font squats and I was already feeling like I was loosing form by the time I got to 185#. The 155# for 4 sets of 8 was dreadful and I could not get myself to hit depth and I was falling forward a lot. It was all I could do to get through them all.
*135# for 5
*185# for 5
*225# for 5
*255# for 5
*265# for 3
*225# for 4 sets of 5
I totally sucked at these today. I was tired and it was all I could do to get the accomplished.
I also ran out of time and did not get to my split leg squats, not that I was sad about that.
When I sent my video to Paul he said that I have to take next week off because I am showing some significant fatigue. This I know because I feel it! The good thing is that I am going to be in San Francisco next week and was planning on taking it off anyway. :) Timing is perfect.
It feels like it should be friday. Things have been busy and steady all day at the clinic Emma has been sick all week and so I have been trying to pay attention to the clock so that I can look out the window and spot Zac walking home from swim practice. Today he was a bit slow so the dogs and I headed out to see where he was and we caught up with him at the canal crossing.
The dogs love to go on walks and Finn is getting so big!
They found him!
Thank goodness Charlie figured out how to cross the foot bridge!
We had a dog come down from the morenci clinic for bladder stone removal. It was an eleven pound dog with probably a pound of stones in it. The bladder was a quarter inch thick. It will be feeling so much better in a few days.
We have quite the menagerie of critters in here this afternoon. There is a pig and a steer and some horses and the usual dogs and cats. Rural veterinary medicine at its finest. :)