It is only tuesday and I feel thursday tired. It is interesting how that happens. Actually, thinking about it right now, it is probably from the fact that I ate a big greasy carne asada burro for lunch because we were headed out for a ranch call and were running late. When one has been eating home cooked food and then eats gross eat out food, it wrecks havoc on your system. I need to be more cognoscente of this fact and be better prepared.
Emma has been sick and running a 101.2 degree fever for the past two days. She has pretty much stayed on the couch and not moved much, poor thing. She is a very good kid and never whines much once it has been determined that she sick and everybody knows it. Im surprised that she is still sick because generally she gets better fast. At least it is this week and not next week when we are in San Francisco.
Got up this morning at the usual time and off to the surface of the sun.
Bench and rows
*45# for 20
*65# for 10
*85# for 8
*95# for 5
*115# for 4
*125# for 3
*135# for 2
*145# for 1
*150# for 1
*135# for 3 sets of 2
*115# for 4 sets of 6
*95# for 20
incline bench
*80# for 20,18,20
db rows
*60# for 4 sets of 12
V bar pulldowns
*130# for 2 sets 6
*100# for 2 sets of 12
It was a busy morning today with surgeries and the rest of stuff that came in. I finally have another veterinarian who is here for an interview. She got here this morning about 9:30ish and helped with a few surgeries and then went on the ranch call with me to the Fleming Tb Farm. We had 3 hernia repairs to do and some x rays to take. Everything went well and there were a few things waiting for us when we got back to the clinic.
After work it was off to karate to watch Emma tip test but she wasnt feeling well enough. She tried and went and warmed up but when it was almost her turn she turned off the mat and started to cry. They told her that she didnt have to test right now and could do it when we got back from San Francisco after a few private lessons.
It is late and I am off to get ready for bed.