Why is it that everybody expects something for nothing these days? We are breeding a peoples who dont want to do anything but want to have everything! Political correctness has driven out dedication and desire and left flaccid, worthless skin! Makes me cranky if I think about it too much.
Yesterday consisted of church and a few emergencies and a walk and bed.
Up this morning at 3:50 and off to the surface of the sun gym.
squats and deads
*45# for 20
*95# for 10
*115# for 8
*135# for 5
*155# for 4
*165# for 3
*185# for 2
*195# for 1
*205# for 1
*185# for 8 sets 5
This last set was tough!
*225# for 5
*245# for 5
*265# for 5
*275# for 3
*205# for 9,6
205# was supposed to be for 5 sets of 3 but I was out of time and so I combined my sets a bit.
No leg press today :/
It has been a very busy day. We had a lot of surgeries and the usual lot of monday walk ins! We got the first two dog spays done around 9 and then didnt get back into the surgery room until after 11! It was 5 or 6 canine neuters and a cat spay and a declaw from 11 to 12:40 and then a fracture repair that had come in over the weekend. It was a young dog that had fallen out of the back of the truck and broken his femur at the distal growth plate. The owners elected to have it repaired which was great and so on the table he went.
The repair went well and I am so pleased with how well everything lined up. These are not the easiest of repairs when one only does them about once a year.
I didnt get done with surgery until sometime after 2 and we were well into afternoon appointments and it was go go go. We had several horses come in at 4 and it was hot outside and one lady was soooooo high immanence! I referred her to Arizona Equine because her appy stud had SCC on its sheath and penis and I could tell she was going to be one of those difficult people so, off to the specialist she goes.
It is almost 5:30 and we are waiting on a snakebite dog to come from willcox. I am hoping that it gets here soon because I am starving!!
I did 17 sets of squats today so I figured out my total poundage of squatting and it was 12,730 pounds worth of squats! Not impressive compared to some but it sure felt like a lot to me :)