It is very hard to believe that it is the start of week 7 of base training. I have to say that I hated it the first week and the second but have actually gotten to where I really like it, well, everyday but fridays. I am not sure why I dislike OHP and such so much but by friday, I have no desire to be there. The best part about it all is that my legs for the first time in my life are actually starting to shape up. It is a good thing.
The weekend was good. Not too much of anything on either day and I believe I actually got to lay down and rest each day and go to bed early! No better way to spend a weekend!
Got up this morning and off to the gym for some squatage!
squats and deads
*45# for 20
*95# for 10
*115# for 8
*135# for 5
*155# for 4
*165# for 3
*185# for 2
*195# for 1
*205# for 1
*215# for 1
*185# for 5 sets of 5
squats didnt feel as good this week as they did last week. I still felt ok on strength but really felt like my form was lacking and that doesnt make me happy. Paul said I did great but I think he is only being nice because I was very whiny last week.
*225# for 5
*245# for 5
*265# for 2
*225# for 3 sets of 3
one leg leg pess
*120# for 4 sets of 15
I have started doing my hanging leg raise at home with one set in the morning and a couple of sets at night. I feel better about myself when I am doing ab work.
It was a busy day at the office. Nothing very exciting happened although we did have three dogs come in with heat stroke. It was once again after 6 before we got the last one taken care of. I dont mind though as I really like being busy, it makes the day go by faster.
Short post tonight because it is almost 8pm but I didnt want to drag this over into tomorrow :)
Took Charlie for a ride in the back of the truck when I took the kids to swim practice. He was not impressed but he looked good!