The Cube cycle 3 wave 1 week 3 – squats heavy
I am an introvert, I dont like people, I dont need to talk, I dont like conflict, I dont like to be wrong, I dont like things to be out of control. That being said, we humans are adaptable and we have...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 1 week 3 – bench explosive
I have got to get with the program. I can not let myself start thinking that I am tired when I am only a week into the eight week horse racing season! I do get a bit of a break next week as I am...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 1 week – deads reps
I need a nap. Ok, maybe I dont need one but dang if I dont feel like I want one, a long one. Like one where you lay down and sleep the rest of the day and all night and wake up early the next morning...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 1 week 3 – OHP reps
Wow, sometimes at the end of the week I dont think my coping skills are very on target. I really need to work on that. It isnt that anything necessarily is wrong it is just that my patience is pretty...
View ArticleGood Morning or Afternoon, God!
Thank you Jesus for all that you have done for me. Forgive me for my neglect of offering up a daily post of praise to you. Forgive me for not placing you first in EVERYTHING! Teach me your ways....
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this perfect day that you have made! I will rejoice and be glad in it! Fill me with your Holy Spirit! I am weak and I need you! Place on me...
View ArticleTurf Paradise
Springtime brings me to the horse races to work. We used to have a county fair circuit and each county held races for two weekends. It was a good time and I always enjoyed it. Those days are now in...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this perfect day in you! Thank you for choosing me before the foundations of the worlds were formed! Thank you for coming to get me when I was...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 1 – squats explosive
So I started this yesterday about 1pm and all I got was the title posted and some pics put into the media bank. I hate getting behind on my posts because then it feels so rushed. I dont like...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 1 – bench reps
I am not sure that I even remember what day of the week it is any more. David and I were having a discussion on the “feel” that a day has last night. He is a big Seinfeld fan so of course I had to...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 1 – deads heavy
I could really go for an afternoon nap today. I dont know why it is that some days just seem like one should spend the afternoon being lazy. :) And I am irritable today so a nap would protect me from...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this perfect and new day in you! Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Renew me and refresh my soul! Give me strength that is dependent on you and...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 1 – OHP explosive
It is finally friday!!! Now if it was friday April 4th because then I wouldnt have horse races any more. Only 5 more weekends, I can do this! Last night I had to finally venture out and go to...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 2 – squats reps
It was a good weekend. Got up saturday morning at 4:30 and Zac and I hit the road a bit after 5:30. It was a nice drive to Tucson and we had breakfast at the Good Egg. There was rain forecast but...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 2 – bench heavy
It is only tuesday! Sometimes the days fly by and other times it seems like it has been 5 days and its only been one. All went well yesterday and it was off to bed early which always makes me happy....
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 2 – deads explosive
I am behind yet again on my posting. Yesterday afternoon we had ranch calls to do semen and trich testing and so I didnt get time to make my post and now, now, I am feeling very lazy. Thats what...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 2 – OHP reps
I have been a veterinarian for 17 years, add in 4 years of vet school and 6ish years of working in the clinic in the town I raised in and I have been around this profession for a long time. It is kind...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 3 – squats heavy
Do you ever have so much stuff going through your mind at one time that you want to write but you just dont have the time to do it all? There are so many different things I have thought of over the...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this perfect day in you! Thank you that in my weakness you are strong! Thank you for loving me even when I am unlovable! Thank you that in...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 3 wave 2 week 3 – bench explosive
Blah, thats what I think about today, blah. Im easily irritated today and I am honestly trying very hard NOT to be. Im sure my staff would disagree but I could have been way way worse I have been...
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