It was a good weekend. Got up saturday morning at 4:30 and Zac and I hit the road a bit after 5:30. It was a nice drive to Tucson and we had breakfast at the Good Egg. There was rain forecast but things had been clear up until we got to the track and then the sky clouded over and the sprinkles started and within a few minutes there was thunder and lightening and rain. It was awesome.
Zac and I got to the backside and were setting up when they announced over the loud speakers that the races were cancelled for the day. I had figured that would happen and we packed back up and headed over to Costco. There was a trampoline place next to Costco so once we finished with our shopping we headed over there and Zac jumped for two hours. It was great for him!! After his time was up we went to the mall and shopped and then headed to the motel to hang out until dinner.
We had dinner reservations at Sullivans and the food was good as always. It was a wonderful day to spend with my son and nice to not have to work. We got back to the motel and were in bed and asleep by 8.
Sunday morning I got up and got ready and the sun was shining and it looked like it was going to be a beautiful day. We were just getting ready to walk out the door when the phone rang and they had cancelled the races again. Yep, cancelled again. Now I know they cancelled them Sunday so they can just add a whole weekend on to the end of the meet but dang I wish they would have just done that on saturday so we could have just gone home!
Sunday was a good day and I enjoyed going to church and then coming home and doing not much of anything. Up this morning at 4 and out the door about 5.
squats reps
warm up on the dreadmill for 10 mins.
I used to love rep days because I was a moron and just used light weights and did more reps. Well I was not very smart and not using enough weight so of course it was easy. Now doing it correctly with 80% give or take of my 1RM, it is hard work and I hate rep day!!!
*45# for 3 sets of 5
*95# for 3 sets of 5
*135# for 3 sets of 3
*155# for 1
*180# for 12, 12, 10
Now the ROM was bad on all sets. It always feels like you are hitting depth for the first half and then maybe just a bit shy for the second half but then I watch the video and I suck at the first half and am completely pitiful for the second half. *big sigh* I just got to keep working at them.
good mornings
*135# for 3 sets of 6
the squats took it out of me and I know I should have done another exercise but I was running out of time and energy!
dynamic jumping
*3 sets of 10
thank goodness I only videoed the first set because I totally biffed it on the last set! Was tired and not paying attention and didnt jump high enough and fell. One more reason to workout early when few people are around and no one sees you fail!!
Incline situps
*45# for 2 sets of 20
I didnt want to do any abs today so I made myself do them.
Today has been a very good day. I am thankful that everything went smoothly as we were short staffed my primary monday receptionist. The morning surgeries were done right around noon and all the walk ins taken care of and it all stayed controlled busy! It was a good day praise the LORD!