So I started this yesterday about 1pm and all I got was the title posted and some pics put into the media bank. I hate getting behind on my posts because then it feels so rushed. I dont like rushed.
The weekend at the races was good. No horses broke down and the kids and I had a good time at the mall. We found a superhero store in the mall and Zac was in heaven!! They both got a build a bear and were happy little clams.
Monday it was tough to get up but the dogs had woken me up at 3 so I was just laying there thinking about how nice it would be if I could sleep until 6! :) But I got up before 4 and was out the door before 5.
squats explosive
*45# for 3 sets of 5
*95# for 3 sets of 3
*115# for 3 sets of 2
*135# for 3 sets of 1
*155# for 6 sets of 2
front squats
*135# for 4 sets of 5
overhead squats
*45# for 3 sets of 8
good mornings
*95# for 3 sets of 10
dynamic jumping
*3 sets of 10
incline situps
*45# for 2 sets of 15
Yesterday was busy, very busy. We are actually pretty out of control right now and I have no idea what to do to try and correct it. There are a lot of pets in the area and we are the only vet clinic and it is a never ending office from 8 until well after close. I feel very bad that people have to wait but I can only do so much at one time and as of yet, I have not found anyone who wants to come live in smallville! Not that I necessarily blame them as there is nothing here to offer other than a job. I know that God has a plan and I intend to just keep on keeping on until that someone comes along. I have had an ad in the AVMA site for over a year now. Going to renew it the first of april and keep praying.
We had two broken tibias yesterday in young dogs. Those are good from the standpoint that they just need a splint and they will heal quickly if the owner keeps the pet confined.
We had a 6 yo boxer dog come in that was in lateral recumbency and had maggots crawling everywhere in its ear and shoulder and butt. The girls all hate maggots, heck, who doesnt hate maggots. I should have taken a video of them because watching them wiggle around in fluidy fleshy grossness is well, gross!
Yep gross!!!
We had an 8 month old great pyrenees come in with lameness and it has a terrible boney lesion in its pelvis. I am hoping for valley fever which is most likely the diagnosis because that is treatable.