I have been a veterinarian for 17 years, add in 4 years of vet school and 6ish years of working in the clinic in the town I raised in and I have been around this profession for a long time. It is kind of hard to believe. I honestly feel like I just started. I suppose that is why it is an awesome profession because even though I have been doing it most of my life, it doesnt feel like it. That being said, there isnt a day that goes by that I think I know it all or have it all figured out. I see reports from other clinics and listen to clients talk about previous vets and I am often amazed at how prideful many of them are.
Dont get me wrong, I am a prideful person but I do not think that I am the end all be all of veterinarians. I have cases come in every day that I honestly have no clue what is wrong and just have to base treatment on clinic signs and the information that the owners present and the pet displays. It is difficult because the animals cant tell you what happened. This morning a guy brought in a 10 year old lab that was “down in the back end.” He has no idea what happened. When he left the dog on friday it was fine, when he came back on wednesday it couldnt walk. (We wont get into what I think about the fact that he left his dog unattended for 5 days and then waited for another 3 days before bringing it in.) X rays are within normal limits, blood work is normal other than an elevated WBC. The dog has neurologic loss of function in its back end. I dont know why. I know that if we lift the dog up, it can stand as long as I correct its posture in the back legs. The dog cant tell me what happened or how long it has been, or what it feels like. I have a list of differentials but we are a small rural clinic and the guy can barely afford blood work and xrays. There will be no spinal tap or MRI or CT scan or myelogram, just 17 years of experiences that says it can be this or that. We are treating the dog symptomatically and if he responds, great, if he doesnt the owner is prepared to make a decision. I dont need to make something up, I just need to be honest!
I am not entirely sure why I started this rant because it has been a few hours since I started but there it is.
Up this morning at 4 and out the door a bit after 5.
OHP reps
*45# for 10
*65# for 2 sets of 5
*75# for 3 sets of 1
*85# for 8,6,6
I suck at OHP! I hate them because of it.
front raises dropset
*15# for 12 drop to 10# for 12
db curls SS w bb curls
*40# for 6 SS 45# for 10 for 2 sets
reverse grip straight bar curls SS hammer bar curls
*35# for 10 SS 25# for 10 for 2 sets
*2 sets of 30
Today has been crazy crazy crazy. The morning was just one of those that was all out of sorts and we are short staffed this afternoon and it has been a mess up there but we are managing to get through everything, kind of.
The kids had a snack sale to raise money for JumpRope for heart and they made $100. I am so very proud of them!