Do you ever have so much stuff going through your mind at one time that you want to write but you just dont have the time to do it all? There are so many different things I have thought of over the past month that I would love to blog but there just isnt that much time in the day. I refuse to take time away from my kids at the end of the day for something that isnt going to do anything for them. But one day I hope to write about my thoughts on the track at Rillito and horse racing in Arizona. I want to write about dog personalities. I want to write about the fact that it is normal for us older post child bearing women to leak urine when we sneeze, laugh, jump, get startled, lift heavy etc etc. Not that I am an expert in any of the topics but I have my thoughts and I think everyone else should know them
The weekend went alright at the horse races. The weather was less than desirable from about half way through saturday clear through sunday. Saturday the sun was out and it was perfect, not too hot and not too cold and then clouds came and the sun went away and it was cold. Sunday the wind blew and blew and blew. Dreadful!! Working in the wind is exhausting.
There is a powerlifting meet coming up in Minnesota that raises money for HopeKids which is an organization that helps families of children with terminal illness and cancer. There is another one in the fall in Detroit. The individuals, Tommy Westoff and Scott Nutter, involved with this that put it on work all year and do an amazing job! Many other individuals help and many companies and powerlifters and gyms all pitch in to raise as much money as they can for these families and children. They are selling T shirts and tanks and I purchased a few. They are awesome! So even though I am across the country in Arizona, I can still rep Relentless!! I love it!
The back has the definition of Relentless. It is a great tank, I bought two
A cryptorchid castration that no one had told me was a crypt. How hard is it to see that it only has one giant huge nut! Not that it is that big of a deal but I do like to give them a bit extra drugs.
The monchers on an old tractor by the haul in barn.
And Zac hiding.
It was a long drive home last night after the races and stopping by a couple of ranches to take care of a few horses. My legs were hurting and I was tired. My sweet son told me that if he was old enough to drive and had enough money to pay for the speeding ticket he would have me pull over and he would drive. I drive fast and my staff always give me a hard time. I have told the kids that when they are paying for their own vehicles and their own insurance and their own gas they can drive anyway they like but as long as I am having to help them, they have to drive the speed limit. It was cute that Zac thought he would have to speed if he was driving me home
I didnt want to go and do heavy squats today but there can be NO excuses!!! Once you start giving yourself an excuse, there is always one waiting for you!
squats heavy
10 minute warm up on the dreadmill
*45# for 2 sets of 10
*95# for 2 sets of 5
*135# for 2 sets of 3
*155# for 2 sets of 1
*175# for 1
*190# for 3 sets of 2
*205# for 1
*225# for 2 sets of 1
A facebook friend recommended that I narrow my squat stance and since it had been a year since I had done them, I thought, what the heck, might as well try it and I am glad I did. They felt good and I felt stronger than I have in a long time. I still need to work on getting my knees out but overall I think it is a good change for now.
Knee sleeves make my grinding knees a bit happier.
pause squats for 4 secs
*135# for 3 sets of 3
if you arent timing yourself, you probably arent pausing near as long as you think you are!
good mornings
*95# for 3 sets of 10
Got to get them hammies and glutes shaped up!
box jumps
*3 sets of 10
made sure to pay attention for all of my reps today so I didnt fall on my face again!
incline situps
*45# for 2 sets of 20
Today has been a disaster as far as getting anything done in an organized way. Mondays are like that sometimes. It was almost 11 before we got started on the majority of the surgeries. Thank goodness we didnt have any dog spays today. Not sure how that happened but I am not complaining. Not that they take that much time to do but the whole process and recovery takes longer.
The afternoon is getting started and it is busy so I am going to finish this up and I will see you all tomorrow post bench day!