Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Cube cycle 3 wave 1 week 3 – bench explosive


I have got to get with the program.  I can not let myself start thinking that I am tired when I am only a week into the eight week horse racing season!  I do get a bit of a break next week as I am filling in at Turf Paradise for Dr Muller and so for monday and tuesday I get to go to bed early and get up a bit late.  It will be awesome!  Wednesday I will have to drive home after the races and that will suck!  I have decided to take that week off from the gym as a deload because the thought of going to a commercial gym, makes me want to vomit!  I dont like people watching me and the only gym in the area that I know of is a 24 hr fitness one and nobody squats or does deads or anything like that.   I suppose if I knew of an old school gym I would go but it is less stress on my introvert self if I just give myself a deload week.  It has been over 2 months since the last one so it will work.

Ok, up this morning and out of bed and out the door to the gym.

bench explosive

ten minutes on the dreadmill.  kicked up the speed a bit since I am working the races and figure that I might need to run to get to a down horse so I need to be in better cardiovascular shape so I am not huffing and puffing when I get there.  Pride can be a powerful motivator!



*45# for 3 sets of 5

*65# for 3 sets of 3

*95# for 3 sets of 1

*100# for 8 sets of 3


*95# for 2 sets of 20


db pullovers

*55# for 3 sets of 12



*3 sets of 6

I totally suck at dips.  They kill my shoulders and elbows.  Too many cow butts over the past 20 years!




I had a couple of ranch calls this morning so Bama and I loaded up in the truck and hit the road after dropping the monchers off at school!  Apparently the first ranch had called yesterday and told Devri that they would haul their cows to where we were doing the other ranches so that everything could be done in one spot.  WELL, nobody told me this bit of information so I drove for 20 miles on the dirt road and of course, no one and no cows were there.  Thankfully I past one of the family members on the road and they turned around and told me that everything was at the other place.  Grrrrrrr.  I wasnt very happy because it wasted almost an hour of my time and these days, my time is very valuable to me.

It took a long time to do the bangs vaccinating because they were branding them as well.  We got done a bit after noon and had to look at a horse and then castrate another one and it was back on the road to Fleming TB Farm.


Marvin had a tendon that needed ultrasounded and a few wolf teeth pulled.  It is always pleasant to stop by there as they are very good and very hard working people and I enjoy visiting with them.

photo(1407)Had to stop and take a pic of the old bonita store!

We got back to the clinic with a bit of time before afternoon appointments and they havent been too bad which is nice because I smell like burning flesh and have cow snot and other such things all over me.

Tomorrow it back to the indian reservation to castrate some more wild horses.  I am hoping for no kicks to the face or anywhere else for that matter.  Thankfully Devris husband is going with us to mug them and I am not worried about getting killed this time.

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