Good Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this amazing day! Thank you for growing me and changing me each and every day! Teach me your ways! Lead me in your paths of righteousness!...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 3 – deads explosive
Yesterday afternoon was uneventful. Went and watched Emma at karate for about 45 mins and then off to watch Zac in football practice. After that it was home to bed! I love sleeping, I wish I was...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this wonderful new day! Thank you for who you are! Thank you for your word which is meat to me and sustains me! Open my eyes to see as you...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 3 – OHP explosive
I am so glad that it is friday! I did not want to get up and I certainly didnt want to go to the gym but life is best when we do what needs to be done and not what we FEEL like doing! I think that is...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night! Thank you for this perfect new day! Thank you for your answer to my prayer! Thank you for your faithfulness! Thank you that you have a perfect plan for each...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 2 week 1 – squats heavy
Saturday was get to sleep in until 6:30ish and then up and shower and off to the clinic for an emergency and a check dog at 8. After taking care of that it was gather up Zac and Emma and head off to...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night! Thank you for this wonderful day! Thank you that your arm is not short and you desire to heal your children! Thank you for all that you are doing in my life...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 2 week 1 – bench explosive
I am having a hard time focusing on much of anything today! Could be the fact that it feels like someone has my uterus and is squishing it to death! I dont see why we women need to keep it after we...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for good sleep last night. Thank you for this beautiful day! Thank you that I can always find peace when I spend time with you regardless of what is going on around me! I thank you...
View ArticleThe Cube week 10 max – deads
Thank goodness it is thursday even though I just wrote friday Thursdays arent bad because they come after my off day from the gym and a day when there usually isnt much going on after work. Emma...
View ArticleThe Cube week 10 max – OHP
Finished up at the clinic about 5:30ish I think last night and headed home. David went to bible study and since it was cheat meal for me the kids and I went to R&R where I had a salad and some...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night. Thank you for this beautiful day. Forgive me for my negligence and apathy in offering to you both adoration and thanksgiving as I should. Let me never grow...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 2 week 1 wave 1 – squats explosive
Whew, today has gone crazy! I love it. I king of missed the crazy the past few weeks. Part of todays crazy was the fact that we are short staffed this week and so I had to move one of the techs to...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this wonderful new day! Thank you for your peace that surpasses all understanding! Thank you for your answers to my prayers! Thank you for...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 2 week 1 wave 1 – bench reps
I was wore out by the end of yesterday. I am not sure what it is about after hours surgeries but they make my whole body sore and take every last drop of energy that I have. I am sure it is just CNS...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a great nights sleep! Thank you for this perfect new day in you! Thank you for renewing a right spirit within me! Thank you for the amazing family that you have blessed me with!...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 2 week 1 wave 1 – deads heavy
Yesterday was very busy, thats being nice and kind of an understatement. The morning started off bad when the people who were supposed to be here to install the new phone system at 7 am didnt show up...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good night sleep. Thank you for this perfect new day in you! Thank you for the joy that flows forth from me like a river! Thank you that in you I can see good in all things!...
View ArticleThe Cube cycle 2 week 1 wave 1 – OHP explosive
I had a whole two hours to myself last night in my house and it was wonderful! I am an introvert and it takes every drop of energy I have to get through my day with energy sucking people I took a bath...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this amazing new day in you! Thank you for growing me and changing me into whom you desire for me to be! Teach me your ways and lead me in...
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