Yesterday was very busy, thats being nice and kind of an understatement. The morning started off bad when the people who were supposed to be here to install the new phone system at 7 am didnt show up and didnt show up and didnt show up and I had to leave to take the kids to school. Then it took them forever for them to get them all installed and they had the clinic computers offline because they had to work in the area with all the boxes of electronic stuff. THEN they left and we had no freaking clue how to work the phone system! You put somebody on hold on one phone but couldnt get them off hold on any other phone. They kept dropping calls and I was not very happy.
We had a very busy surgery schedule that included two femoral head and neck removals from cats. Interesting coincidence that made for two cats to come in on the same day that had both fractured off their right femoral head.
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Clik here to view.This cat got hit by a car and hid under the house for two days.
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Clik here to view.This one had broken the tibia about 6 weeks ago and they spent $1100 getting it fixed at the other clinic and then it jumped off the counter and fractured off the neck of the femur. OUCH
I didnt finish with the second one until after 2 and then it was a solid double booked afternoon of appointments that ended with an exploratory abdominal surgery on a lab. The lab is a rock eater and he had two rocks in his bowel that looked small enough to pass but he could not keep anything down. I opened him up and the rocks had already passed into the large bowel. The problem was that he had displaced his spleen which turns the stomach and pinches off the duodenum. So I put all the guts back and got the spleen back in its happy place and closed him up and he is doing great.
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I went to bed early, I think I was asleep by 8:30 and slept great! Up at 4:10 and out the door before 5:30.
deads heavy
*135# for 10
*185# for 10
*225# for 4
*285# for 5 sets of 2
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these were so incredibly heavy today!! I asked my nutrition guy if there was anyway to prevent CNS fatigue from stress/work and he told me that I need to find something calming and do it as often as possible. I told my staff that I was going to get a recliner and put it in the surgery room and pet my dog and they cant disturb me.
good mornings
*45# for 10
*65# for 10
*85# for 10
*105# for 3 sets of 10
I really tried to squeeze and use the gluts. My hips have been killing me and I read an article about hips and that often the hips are inflamed because too much hamstring is used and not enough gluts so it causes stress across the joint capsule. There is much more to it but needless to say I need to work on my glut strength so I got started!
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I sucked!
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Today has been a better day. Surgeries went smoothly and we were done right about noon. The phone people were here all morning figuring everything out and training us how to use the system. This afternoon has been pretty slow compared to usual so all is good in my world and I am hoping for an awesome workout tomorrow, too bad it is only OHP day!!!
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