I was wore out by the end of yesterday. I am not sure what it is about after hours surgeries but they make my whole body sore and take every last drop of energy that I have. I am sure it is just CNS depletion but still, I dont like it!
Went to bed early last night and rolled out before 4.
bench reps
*45# for 10
*65# for 10
*85# for 10
*95# for 8
*110# for 3 sets of 12
pause bench
*65# for 3 sets of 10
It was my first time doing these. Next time I will use more weight but I didnt mind them. Probably because I didnt have on enough weight but they are not nearly as horrible as pause squats.
lying tri extensions
*35# for 3 sets of 15
reverse grip tri extensions
*70# for 3 set 12
incline situps
*35# for 2 sets of 20
This day was busy. We didnt finish with surgeries until about 12:30 and then there were a few walk ins to take care of and I didnt get out the door until after 1. I went and tanned and then came home and fixed lunch and headed back over to the clinic.
The afternoon was very busy with a lot of x rays and blood work. The lobby remained full until after 4:30. I had a horse that had an appointment for joint injections and they had to wait over an hour because I couldnt get outside. It is now 5:40 and the last appointment was an in room euthanasia and the owners just left so we will clean up and get out of here!