Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Cube wave 1 week 3 – deads explosive


Yesterday afternoon was uneventful.  Went and watched Emma at karate for about 45 mins and then off to watch Zac in football practice.  After that it was home to bed!  I love sleeping, I wish I was better at it!  :)

Up around 4 and out the door at 5:30 with my beautiful Emma.  We got to Olivias house and waited and waited and then she finally came out and said she had just woken up and would be out in 5, it was more like 10 but thats alright.

deads explosive


*205# for 8 sets of 3


once again I didnt use my versa grips.  I am very happy with myself for working on my grip but dang it really tears up my hands!  I know, I am a baby!




deficit deads

*185# for 3 sets of 12


Little Miracle, Olivias puppy that was turned over to the clinic because the owner didnt want to pay for parvo treatment!

I tried to really push up with my chest and drive with my legs to try and keep my hips from going up first.  I think I did better but still have a lot to work on!



*bw for 3,2,2

I suck at pullups but am not going to get better if I dont just start doing them!

I had wanted to do more but just ran out of time.  I left about 15 mins early because I had a farm call and needed to get the kids rounded up and on the road as soon as possible!


Incline situps

*35# for 2 sets of 15


Got the kids loaded and dropped off at school and Devri and Billie April and I hit the road to head to the C bar ranch about an hour and a half away (although it took me only an hour)


getting the vaccine ready!

DSC_0013This is about the only clients that I preg check for anymore.  I like it that way!


Im too old to have to bend down this much!  Hate it when they lay down in the chute!

DSC_0044Thanks to Devri taking forever to load her vaccines, I got splattered with crap!  A lot of crap!

DSC_0045Its a dirty job but I guess someone has to do it!

DSC_0046My helpers, I think! :)   If helping is getting one pooped on and taking pictures of it :)

DSC_0063Dos Cabezas.  It is just a blip on the map!

DSC_0064Neat old abandoned house.

DSC_0078Save a cow! ;)


We got back right at noon which gave me time to shower and eat before it was back to the clinic for afternoon appointments.  It wasnt super busy which was alright.  Charlies dad came and spent the afternoon with him at the clinic.  He had a sleep test at the hospital tonight so came up early to check on Charlie.  Charlie was very happy to see him and very sad to see him go.

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