Deload thoughts and on to The Cube
I have been a total slacker this week in getting anything put together for a post! Something about being on deload that makes all of me want to be lazy! So lets go back a few days to the end of last...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this beautiful day that is full of your glory! Thank you for changing my heart and giving me a desire to be full of joy this day even though I want...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night! Thank you for this most wonderful new day! Thank you for each opportunity that presents itself today to work for you and bring you glory! Thank you for the...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1, week 1 – heavy squats
Finally off of deload and boy is it a good thing! I shoved more sweat thing in my mouth the end of last week than I have in forever and I was feeling like total dirt! Actually, I feel like Jabba the...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night. Thank you for this day that is new and wonderful in you! Thank you that in you I have complete peace and joy regardless of what is happening around me! Thank...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 1 – bench explosive
My lobby is completely full of people, beyond full really and it kind of freaks me out a bit so I am sitting here at my computer watching them on the video cameras waiting for someone to come in and...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you for sleep last night! Thank you for this amazing beautiful day that is perfect in you! Thank you for each and every great thing that is a gift from you! Thank you for the joy and peace...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 1 – deads reps
Yesterday was off day and it was also the day that 365STRONG came out. Well actually it was released the night before but it was too late for me to download and print so I waited to purchase until...
View ArticleGood Morning God
Thank you Jesus for a great nights sleep! Thank you for this day that is new in you! Thank you for the break throughs that have happened this day! We give you the glory! I ask for your peace to...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 1 – OHP heavy
Ok, so in The Cube and 365Strong there is not day that is dedicated to OHP as it is thrown in on bench day I think or on his day four which he calls bodybuilding day and uses for weak point training...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this beautiful day!! Thank you for your working in my life! Thank you for growing me and changing me! Thank you for the beautiful rain that...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 2 – squats explosive
I am feeling so very very lazy this afternoon! It has been rainy and cloudy all day and I have no desire to write my workout But I will because it needs to be done. Saturday I did nothing, nothing...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this wonderful day! Thank you that you are in control of each and every thing that happens this day! Thank you that you are training me and...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this amazing day that is full of your mercy and grace! Thank you that you are not content with me just being who I was but push me to be all...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 2 – bench reps and deads heavy
I was a total slacker the past couple of days and was too lazy to sit down and type out my tuesday workout! I had even intended on writing a post about fat burners and I am a loser. Monday night was...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this amazing day! Thank you for your word which is a light unto my feet! Thank you for the joy that I have when I read it and meditate on it...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 2 – OHP explosive
This week has been so long! I am definitely ready for it to be the weekend! Didnt get out of the office until almost 6pm last night due to a bunch of horses that came in at the end of the day. The...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 3 – squats reps
Well lets see where to get started here. Saturday, yes saturday, first thing early in the morning was new nails! I needed them badly and my dear friend Devri came into town and gave me some Thatcher...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this most amazing new day! Thank you that you are an ever present help in time of trouble! Thank you that you call the beginning from the end...
View ArticleThe Cube wave 1 week 3 – bench heavy
WOW this day has been crazy. So nothing exciting or interesting at the clinic We have been on a real boring stretch lately. I guess that is good for the community but makes things boring for me....
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