Good Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this day that will be perfect in you! Thank you that you are my hope and my strong tower! In you I find peace and joy in even the most...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 4 week 2 – bench
Holy moly yesterday afternoon was crazy busy. I am sure it seemed more so than it actually was because Zac had his first football practice at 5 and I really needed to be there because I had his...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this most wonderful day! Thank you for your love that is neverending! Thank you for never giving up on me and continuing to mold me and shape...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this beautiful new day! Thank you that I can trust you in all things! Thank you for all the animals that you have placed in my life! Thank...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 4 week 2 – deads
I hate getting behind on my sleep because it takes way too long to get all caught back up! But I am thankful to be back to actually sleeping well! Tuesday night I had a call from a client that lives...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this amazing new day! I lift up little Eve to you today Lord! This tiny little puppy that you formed and made! I ask that you would touch and...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 4 week 2 – OHP
Zac had football practice last night and I am amazed at how many parents just drop their kids off and dont even watch or pretend interest in what their child is doing. I understand when they get older...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for some sleep last night. Thank you for this most wonderful new day in you! Thank you for the means to acquire and help many of the small creatures that you have made! I pray and...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 4 week 3 – squats
Whew, I am a bit behind here today! Lets see, so saturday I got up early and headed to the gym to get my hammy workout in. I really did not want to go but since I was awake, thanks to Charles, I...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night! Thank you for this day! Thank you that in you I have complete assurance that all that happens is allowed by you! I trust in you completely! I come before you...
View Article5/3/1 cylce 4 week 3 – bench
I have to be honest and say that I am really struggling today! It sucks to be slave to ones shifting hormones and then add on top of that death of patients and baby hairless puppies blah Little...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for some sleep last night! Thank you for this perfect day in you! Thank you for your mercies and grace that are new this day and poured out upon your peoples! Thank you for the...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this amazing new day! Thank you for leading me beside the still waters this day. Thank you for your perfecting love that is not satisfied with...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 4 week 3 – deads
Is it friday yet? This has been an emotionally exhausting week and it isnt even over yet! Do you ever feel like you have the weight of the world on your shoulders and nobody really cares if you are...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this new day! Thank you for changing me and growing me! Thank you that every day lived in you is perfect! Fill me with your Holy Spirit! Let...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 4 week 3 – OHP
Got done at the office last night a bit before 6 pm after having to float teeth on a mule. I despise floating teeth these days. When I was young and eager and didnt mind sweating to death I thought...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for sleep last night! Thank you for this most amazing new day! Thank you for each opportunity that you give me to speak into someones life! Thank you for a chance to make a...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this day that is full of your mercies and grace! Thank you that you are in control of all things and your will will be done! Thank you that...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this wonderful new day! Thank you for your hedge of protection that surrounds me and keeps me and all that is yours! Thank you for continuing...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this new and wonderful day! Thank you for growing me and changing me into your image day by day! Thank you for picking me up when I fall and...
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