Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5/3/1 cycle 4 week 2 – deads


I hate getting behind on my sleep because it takes way too long to get all caught back up!  But I am thankful to be back to actually sleeping well!

Tuesday night I had a call from a client that lives an hour away and one of their cats had been up in the truck engine and had jumped out and they had hit its head with the tire.  When they got here we could hear the cat yowling before they even shut off the truck.   It was a very pretty cat whose face was in very bad shape!

We took the cat in the back and we sedated it to give it some relief.  Its right eye was almost popped out of its head, its upper jaw was split down the middle and torn all the way through the soft palate.  The lower jaw was broken in the middle and the ramus of the mandible on the right side was broken.

I went and talked to the owners and told them it was going to be very difficult to fix everything and recommended that they should probably have the cat euthanized.  The woman asked how much it would cost to try and fix it and if she could make payments and then told me to try and save the cat, so I did.


photo(677)Its hard to see but if you look you can see the split all along the top of the mouth.


He is beat up pretty bad but everything is back in place.


The cat is doing as well as can be expected.  He is very sore and wont eat but I think in a few more days he will be feeling enough better that all of the necessary things will start happening.

Wednesday was my day off from the gym and I slept in and it felt great!  Charlies dad was coming and Charlie was supposed to go home!  His foot is healing well and to a point where his dad could manage it.


It will be several months before it is completely healed but there was no reason to keep him here.  Everyone was upset to have him leaving and the kids and I took some pictures before they went to school.

charlie 611Zac and Charlie

charlie 596

Emms and Charlie

charlie 620

charlie 625We were all very sad to see him leave but glad that he got to go home.

His dad got here about 9 and I went over all the stuff that he needed to do.  I told him that I was going to show him how to wrap the foot but that I usually didnt bandage it until evening.  His dad looked at me and said that he wasnt taking him home.  There were tears in his eyes and he said he couldnt take him back to a place where he suffered from his extreme allergies to cactus and got bit by snakes and spiders.  He said that he was giving him to Zac and wouldnt take him home.

We all love Charlie but his dad loves him too.  It takes a very special person to give a dog up like that because he knows that he will be better here than with him!  His dad calls every day to check on him and I send him pictures of Zac and Charlie and I told him that Charlie will always be his dog but I will take care of him for as long as he wants me to.

Zac had football practice last night and it was home late and off to bed after dinner.

Up reluctantly this morning and off to the gym for some deads before 6.



deficit deads- 3″

*275# for 3

*295# for 3

*315# for 3


sumo deads

*275# for 5

*225# for 9

*185# for 2 sets of 12


Incline situps

*25# for 2 sets of 25



We were steady this morning and finished with the last surgery about 11:30ish or so.  We had a horse castration and then it was off to go tan and then lunch.

The afternoon is booked and I am hoping that it goes by quickly although it isnt like it will do me any good because then it is karate and more football practice!  I think I am going to invest in one of those reclining type lawn chairs to take to practice so I can nap :D   Does that negate even being there?

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