Got done at the office last night a bit before 6 pm after having to float teeth on a mule. I despise floating teeth these days. When I was young and eager and didnt mind sweating to death I thought it was awesome. Now after 16 years of doing it, it has lost all of its appeal and is dreadful!
Zac had football practice so I changed clothes and loaded up Charles and we headed to the field.
Charlie loves going to practice and gets all sorts of attention! We had been there about 15 minutes when the phone rang and this woman leaves a message that her puppy had fallen out of the back of her truck. She is already at the clinic so I trot across the field and throw Chuck in the car because heaven forbid should the 160# baby actually be able to jump in my himself!! And we race off to the clinic.
Jenn was home so I had called and asked if she would go over and get them started since I was a few minutes away. I get there and there is a full size lifted 3/4 ton truck in the parking lot with huge ol tires on it and the cutest little pit bull puppy on the table inside.
Apparently the woman thought it would be cooler for the puppy in the back of the truck because Arizona is so cool at over 100 degrees and told her husband to put the dog in the back. Well they got on the highway going at least 55 mph and the puppy jumped out of the truck!
The puppy has a skull fracture! I dont get why someone would put a puppy that young in the back of a truck Anyway the puppy has responded well to treatment and should go home soon.
I had just walked back home when the phone rang again and there was another emergency call so back to the clinic I went.
A little beagle dog had been attacked by a pit bull and then the pit bull had turned and attacked the owner of the beagle.
I cleaned her up and stapled her up and bandaged her neck. There was a lot of skin damage but thankfully not any muscle damage so hopefully the little dog will heal up fast.
Back home and off to bed for me. Slept great and got up at 4:30 and out the door before 6.
*85# for 5
*95# for 3
*105# for 1
*70# for 5 sets of 10
I hate OHP and it takes a lot of mental effort to get through those workouts
Barbell curls
*65# for 4 sets of 8
lying tricep extensions
*35# for 4 sets of 12
Incline situps
*25# for 2 sets of 15
Today has been a total monday friday!!!! This morning there were hardly any surgeries but we had a bazillion walkins and sick animals and it seemed like everybody wanted to bring in their old sick animal that needed to be euthanized, it was horrible. Some days it feels like we are a death clinic instead of a vet clinic.
The afternoon has been plum crazy!!! I have a lobby full of people and a horse waiting to be castrated so I am wrapping this up and getting my butt cheeks to work!!
Oh, next week is deload so there might not be very many posts but I will try to outline where I am going with my next program sometime next week because we all know that I wont be able to not say something for that long!