I have to be honest and say that I am really struggling today! It sucks to be slave to ones shifting hormones and then add on top of that death of patients and baby hairless puppies blah
Little Samson, the one with no hair on his head, died this morning. It made me very sad
Last night was football practice for Zac. I was late because we had a c section come in at 4pm and then a sick dog that needed blood work and IV catheter and fluids etc at 5 so I didnt get there until sixish. Which I have to be open and say that I was not upset about because the mosquitoes are HORRIBLE and I HATE them!!
Zac did awesome at practice and really tried hard all practice and ran good! He has been struggling with getting a side ache so I had told him to take big breaths in through his mouth and thats what he did and he never got a side ache! Good job Zac! I am very proud of him!
All the kids ran back to run with one of their teammates that was struggling, it was awesome!
Went to bed and slept kind of sort of alright. Rolled out of bed and headed out the door before 6 barely.
*135# for 5
*145# for 3
*155# for 1
*115# for 4 sets of 10, 1 set of 8
incline situps
*25# for 2 sets of 15
I just pulled in this morning and Bama came walking fast out to the car and said that the sick dog from last night was not doing well. It was a fat little yorkie that has had issues with pancreatitis and the owners had taken it camping and fed it a bunch of vienna sausages and I think it had necrotizing pancreatitis! His abdominal x rays showed very inflamed bowel and angry abdominal cavity and this mornings were worse. He died The owner was devastated and she brought in his mate this afternoon because she started vomiting and having diarrhea and she also has severe pancreatitis but hopefully it wont get worse.
I checked on the naked babies in the midst of the chaos and noticed that the little boy was in a pool of diarrhea not in good condition! I pulled him out and we ran him under warm water for about 10 minutes and did all we could but he died! Zac is going to be very devastated!
The rest of the day has kind of sucked because of it! In the midst of the dying dogs we had a woman drive up in a big lifted black truck with fancy wheels and huge bumper nuts, which are stupid and gross, with a dog that she had run over. It turns out to be a young english bulldog that she backed over when she was taking her kids to school. I am afraid that I already didnt think much of her because of her truck and then when we x rayed the dog and it had a broken femur and she said she had no money, I thought even less of her! She said she would get paid on friday so she set up payment arrangements with Tammy and I fixed the dogs leg!
An IM pin placement is not the best fixation for this but it is all I have to offer here. I recommend her to take it to tucson to the specialty clinic but since she didnt have the money for our bill, she dang sure didnt want their bill so she opted to have me fix it.
Everything came together really well because it was so new and I am very pleased with the reduction! Hopefully she will keep her confined and it should heal with no issues!
The afternoon went by really quick and it is not time for me to head over to Zacs football practice but first off to walmart to mosquito spray!!
Punches keeping little Faith warm!
Zac and all the dogs this morning when I got home from the gym!