Well lets see where to get started here. Saturday, yes saturday, first thing early in the morning was new nails! I needed them badly and my dear friend Devri came into town and gave me some Thatcher Green for Zacs first football game!
I hate green but for my baby, I will wear it!
Then it was off to the football game where they actually won. Poor Zac is very confused as they have him playing both offense and defense and he blocks on defense and lets them swish by on offense because he has the positions all mixed up. I am hoping to spend some more individual time with him so he understands it better or at least does the right thing for the side he is playing.
The other team had two kids who were huge and Zac was always against one of them.
He got tossed to the ground a lot. The saddest part about this series is that he was on defense and could have easily run by the kid but instead was trying to block him
He got taken out frequently for being confused about where he was suppose to be and it bummed him out.
After football was home and then off to have a much needed massage! It was awesome! Let me tell you, nothing beats a good deep massage by someone who knows what they are doing! If I could, I would have one every day!
Sunday was church and fellowship dinner and a bunch of emergencies afterwards!
Up at 4:10 and out the door at 5:30 to pick up Olivia.
Squats reps
*145# for 8 reps
My hips are killing me! Need to get my shots tonight!
pause squats
*60# for 10 w 1 sec pause because Im a dork and didnt get my phone to time myself
*60# for 6 w 5 sec pause these are freaking tough tough tough
*60# for 8 w 5 sec pause
Pause squats are murderous! if you arent doing them, you need to start and dont use very much weight because 5 secs is very long time to stay tight in the hole! had my phone with the timer on the rack hence the turned head.
walking lunges
*25# for 3 sets of 12
Incline situps
*35# for 2 sets of 15
It has been a crazy crazy monday today! We had a bunch of surgeries and we were so so unorganized this morning because we have a ton of sick parvo puppies hospitalized that took a lot of time and we were way late in getting our surgeries started!
The afternoon is double booked but it hasnt been too bad. Things have run smoothly and it is raining right now and that makes me happy. The river has been flooding because of the colorado rains and I need to go and take some pictures because it has been forever since it has been this high and never in the 16 years that I have lived here. Keeping my fingers crossed for the opportunity to get some tonight!