Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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Deload thoughts and on to The Cube


I have been a total slacker this week in getting anything put together for a post!  Something about being on deload that makes all of me want to be lazy!

So lets go back a few days to the end of last week when I actually did go to the gym early Saturday morning!  I rolled out of bed a little after 5 because the dang dogs wouldnt let me sleep.  Threw on some gym clothes and ball cap and headed out the door for some hamstring work!


stiff legged deads

photo(741)Warm up

*225# for 4 sets of 8

photo(738)I had to use a lot of mental prep to get through the workout.  No good excuse other than sheer laziness and trying to convince myself that I shouldnt be that lazy!


Got all the sets done and did 4 sets of glute/hams at 15 reps each and then some HLRs and I was out the door and headed home to do not much anything the rest of the weekend!

Monday was busy at the office and then it was football practice and that has been pretty much exactly how the rest of the week has gone.  Work and football, work and football, work and football.  Im not complaining because I think it is important to support ones kids in their physical endeavors!  And Charlie loves going and doing his rehab by chasing various kinds of balls.



He isnt the best at bringing them back but he does love to go and get them!

photo(744)The kids loved Zacs three legged poodle!  Newman felt like a million bucks!


Zac is so excited about his pads and practice jersey!  Makes me happy for him!

Ok, so on to whats next, The Cube!

I purchased the e book and sat down during Zacs practice and read it all and then wrote down the entire cycle by weeks and exercise and figured out weights and reps.

Here is a basic breakdown of what I am planning on doing.


Monday- Squats- heavy

Tuesday- bench- reps

Weds- rest

Thursday- deads- explosive

Friday- OHP – heavy


Now Brandon doesnt have OHP as its own day but I hate them and figure that it is an important discipline and I should make myself do them.  Each week everything rotates between heavy, reps and explosive and after three weeks on starts the cycle over with a high percentage than the previous cycle.


Monday- squats- reps

Tuesday- bench – explosive

Weds – rest

Thursday – deads – heavy

Friday – OHP- reps


and then the final week of the cycle goes


Monday – squats – explosive

Tuesday – bench – heavy

Weds- rest

Thursday – deads – reps

Friday – OHP – explosive


In the book he goes into some sample workouts and different accessory lifts and such.  There is a lot of information and a lot of choices that one can use to fill in an entire workout.  I have not figured out exactly which other lifts I am going to add.  I have really liked the simplicity of just doing the barbell exercises by also know that I need to change things up some.  Change is a good thing!  And you never know when you might find something or a combination of somethings that works better than what you are currently using!  Keep an open mind, thats what I tell myself over and over!  That and stop being a lazy hardheaded slacker and push yourself outside of your comfort zone :)

Alright, I am way short staffed today and have a tooth to pull on an old pug and then a leg to cut off a young pup so I had best wrap this up and get to work before my staff all quits and I have to do it all on my own!

If anyone knows any vet who wants to practice rural medicine, send them my way!  The other practice in town just such down and things might get a bit more crazy than they currently are and I could sure use the help! :D

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