I was a total slacker the past couple of days and was too lazy to sit down and type out my tuesday workout! I had even intended on writing a post about fat burners and I am a loser.
Monday night was football and then homework and bed. Up at 4:10 and off to pick up Olivia at 5:30.
Bench reps
bench press
*110 for 1 set of 8
db incline press
*35# for 2 sets of 20
close grip bench
*65# for 3 sets of 12
rope pushdowns
*70# for 3 sets of 15
Tuesday morning was a trip to Flemings TB Farm for a couple of castrations and a bunch of xrays. I was supposed to ultrasound a tendon and my poor old machine didnt like the vibrations and it wouldnt turn on. Well, it turned on but the screen wouldnt work so regardless, no ultrasound. Back in town and a full afternoon of appointments.
More football practice and homework and then bed yet again.
Wednesday was be lazy and sleep in day and I did for too long! It put me running late getting the kids to school and that always makes me cranky. Then Olivia was ill and couldnt come in and so we were short staffed and it was a bit hectic for a few hours but we got it all taken care off.
At lunch I walked over to the house to eat and walked in the door to this.
My A/C unit drain pipe had clogged and it had overflowed the drip pan and well, you can see what happened. The unit had just been serviced 2 weeks ago and apparently the tech hadnt bothered to clean out the pan and drain pipe. Ughhhhh such a huge inconvenience! The mess is cleaned up and the A/C company sent someone by today to check it out again and said that they would have a contractor here tomorrow to take care of everything. Thank goodness this is a small town and my office manager is on the city council and knows the owners and pretty much everyone else so it makes things happen quickly, I hope!
The afternoon was pretty sparse and we finished early and then it was off to watch karate and then football. Zac got his uniform and he was all happy!
My little baby boy is so handsome!
I slept great last night and rolled out of bed at 4:10 and got ready to go. Given Olivia was sick yesterday I wasnt sure if she was better but her mom sent me a text that she was good.
deads heavy
*275# for 5 sets of 2
I was very proud of myself because I didnt use my versa grips! It is the first time ever that I have pulled heavy without them. Yippee Skippee and a hip hip hurray!
Olivia was having a melt down and whining because her legs hurt so I had to be firm (nice for not mean) and tell her to get over it and get 50 reps done! She was mad but she did it!! I am so proud of her!
While she was battling through her deads I moved on to rack pulls.
rack pulls
*225# for 3 sets of 15
Incline situps
*35# for 2 sets of 15
I had Olivia do some lat pulldowns and seated rows and so with having to talk her out of quitting and then showing her how to do the other exercises I was out of time. Thats alright though because there is always next week
It has been a bit of a busy day at the clinic. Our morning surgery schedule wasnt bad but there were a bunch of walk in and such and the afternoon was double booked but seems to be moving along pretty smoothly. Love it when that happens.
No football for Zac tonight which is good because I need to make a meal for a family who lost a loved one. I am just making spaghetti as it is easy but it still takes time and thankfully without football practice to attend, I have the time!