Finally off of deload and boy is it a good thing! I shoved more sweat thing in my mouth the end of last week than I have in forever and I was feeling like total dirt! Actually, I feel like Jabba the Hut.
The problem with working out and lifting heavy is that one can get away with eating more than they should but as soon as you arent doing that, you really need to not keep eating like you are! And I didnt do that and I am definitely feeling it!
The weekend was good. Did a whole bunch of nothing on saturday. I love it when it works out that way! David and I took a walk in the afternoon and then we went to half of the local junior colleges football game.
The dog think that going for a walk is awesome!!
Sunday was church and nap and more of doing nothing. I loved it.
I set my alarm back on the ol iphone so that I wouldnt not get up since even though it is a holiday I still made my employees work for half the day! That meant getting up at 4:30 so I could go by 6 and be back to work in time!
Today started a new program, The Cube by Brandon Lilly. Now it isnt as easily outlined as the 5/3/1 was so I struggled some this weekend putting together a whole wave of workouts. The basics of the program are simple as far as the main lifts but then the rest of it is up to you and that is where I tend to not be very good. I am never sure if it should be high reps or mid reps and what lifts I should use. I work out alone and therefore it is just me and my mind trying to figure things out and sometimes I am kind of stupid and lazy and dont want to think that hard! So if I am horrible misrepresenting The Cube, please forgive me and tell me what to do differently and I am happy to change! Brandon is coming out with another E book tomorrow called 365 Strong and it goes into a bit more detail with the program and so I might be making some changes after I get it printed and read.
So for today it was heavy squats. Each main lift is either heavy, explosive or reps. This week it is heavy squats, explosive bench and reps for deads. Each of these lifts are very well laid out based on a percentage of your 1 RM. I havent really done any 1 RM so I just used my 1 rep weights from the 5/3/1 program that I just finished because that was pretty darn close. Brandon gives you the percentage and the sets and reps for each lift each day. The hard part for me is the accessory lifts.
Heavy Squats
*165# for 5 sets of 2
my form was greatly lacking today. I watched some critique videos this weekend and I know I need to fix a lot of things but sometimes I just dont know how to fix it! I think there is definitely something to be said for the low reps because it does help keep your form from falling completely apart as you fatigue! I still sucked though even when I wasnt fatigued. I missed parallel a lot and I let my butt shoot back and up and I tend to let my knees fall in. I WILL get all of it corrected by the end of this program because it is just not acceptable to have bad form!!
front squats
*95# for 3 sets of 10
I am horrible terrible no good at front squats! And that is why I am making myself do them!! They are very uncomfortable for me in many areas but I intend on mastering them the best that I can because I want some awesome quads!! And one has to make themselves do the not easy stuff or else why bother!? You can totally see the Jaba the Hut in this picture!!! Blah!
Leg press
*300# for 3 sets of 20
nothing special here. I havent done leg press in a long time and it was good to get some reps in. This is a lift that I am going to have to lot allow myself to get lazy on! I can leg press a lot and I need to make myself do it!
Incline situps
*35# for 2 sets of 15
I so did not want to go to the office after my workout but since we had appointments scheduled I had to go. I am getting so lazy in my old age We were busy this morning and kept going until about the last 30 minutes or so.
Charlies paw is healing up so well!!
about a week after I removed the dead skin.
He still limps quite a bit on it but can go longer periods in between his pain meds. I think the walks have helped it a great deal! To be honest with you I have not been doing anything with it but just letting him lick it as he wants which isnt very often and it is healing way faster than when I was messing with it all the time. NOT that that will work with every wound, it is just what appears to be working well for him right now.
Tomorrow is explosive bench, cant wait!!