Ok, so in The Cube and 365Strong there is not day that is dedicated to OHP as it is thrown in on bench day I think or on his day four which he calls bodybuilding day and uses for weak point training and other such stuff. Given that I just finished 5/3/1 where it had a dedicated day for OHP I just used that same thought process for this program because I liked it!! I am a firm believer that an open mind is a wonderful thing and sometimes a mixture of programs works best. (I really just like to do things my own way but it sounds better the other way
The afternoon went by pretty fast and we were done with appointments by 4 so I went home and changed and watched some karate and took Zac to football practice.
Charlie and I were bored and took a walk around the field.
Then Charlie got a drink of gatorade!
I slept like gangbusters last night!! It was awesome and I needed the sleep! Up and out of bed at 4:30 and off to the gym before 6.
OHP heavy
*85# for 5 sets of 2
I hate OHP which is why I give them their own day! Otherwise I wouldnt do them!
Lateral raises
*15# for 3 sets
db curls
*20# for 3 sets 15
hammer bar curls
*35# for 4 sets of 10
*30 for 2 sets
I never kept a log until the boss and now I record it all and it makes me happy! Why? Well I dont really know but just the thought of knowing exactly what I have lifted is very rewarding and I use it to check and make sure I am progressing because I am old these days and I cant remember very much of what I did just yesterday yet alone last week!
It has been a bit of a crazy day today. We finished up with surgeries around 11;30 and the afternoon has been double booked. We had a bunch of horses scheduled for four but had a weird storm hit with rain and dirt and such and so we rescheduled them all to next week so it makes this afternoon a bit more bearable.
No plans for the weekend other than lots of nothing other than what has to be done and any emergencies that may happen. I like my weekends that way