Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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The Cube week 10 max – deads


Thank goodness it is thursday even though I just wrote friday :)    Thursdays arent bad because they come after my off day from the gym and a day when there usually isnt much going on after work.  Emma has karate and other than that now it is smooth sailing.  The worst part about wednesday is no carbs :)

Didnt sleep great last night and rolled out of bed at 4:10 and off to the gym at 5:30.

deads max


*315# for 1

*335# for 1

*355# for a very ugly 1


I will admit that I didnt have the best warm up and you know when 225# feels heavy that it isnt going to be a good dead day but I really wanted to hit 355# again given that it was just a few weeks ago when I pulled it.   I tried very hard to not over think it and just walk up and set and pull.  I barely got it and if it hadnt been for the fact that I had watched a video by Brandon Lilly, I think, a week or so ago about giving up I would have done just that.  But he rambled on about how easily people give up and they dont fight for the lift so I figured I had better fight for it because I dont want to be too big of a loser!  It was a hard enough pull that I didnt try anything else.


rack pulls

*315# for 3

*275# for 8

*225# for 12

since I got the deads off the floor but struggled through the mid section of the pull I figured I had best get back to working on that part of my pull!



*bw for 4,3,3

Incline situps

*35# for 2 sets of 2

Things were pretty smooth at the office this morning.  We finished up with the last surgery about 11 and Billie April and I headed down to the local community college to donate blood.  It was packed and took FOREVER!!  Little Christina, my kennel help, was donating for the first time and she passed out and got sick and was not able to come into work today.  Somehow I dont think that she is going to ever donate again.


Billie April is a dork :)


egg plant shaped squeezer was awesome!  Hb was 14.2, HR was 80 (whats up with that as it is never that high), blood pressure was 100/70 that was pretty awesome.  The phlebotomists always LOVE my veins!   They say they are awesome.

The afternoon has been busy and it is now time for me to go castrate a horse.  See you all manana!

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