5/3/1 wave 2 – squats
I am so dang tired!! I feel like I could sleep for a week, ok, maybe only half a day but still. I had every intention of trying to get to bed early last night but it just didnt happen. Zac was in bed...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for some sleep last night! Thank you for this new day that is full of your mercies and grace! Thank for who you are! Thank you that you are the same yesterday, today and forever!!...
View Article5/3/1 wave 2 – deads
My beautiful little Birdie is coming home today! She has been visiting her cousin in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has really been struggling. I am not really sure why she struggled so much because she...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this most wonderful new day! Thank you for my amazing babies that are a perfect gift from you! Give me wisdom to raise them according to your...
View Article5/3/1 wave 2 – OHP
Holy cow this day is making me crazy! It all started with Zac stealing my spot in bed last night and I in turn went to his bed and it is NOT very comfortable and I did NOT sleep very well. Therefore...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this most wonderful crazy day! Thank you for your mercies and grace that are new each morning. Thank you for a wonderful trip to New Jersey!...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this most beautiful new day that is full of your goodness! Thank you for changing me and growing me into your image! I am the clay and you...
View ArticleSkiba’s Gym
This past weekend I flew across the country to deliver a little bulldog pup named Betsy to Henri and Ellen Skiba. A year and a half ago I had sent them a bulldog that we had raised here at the clinic...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this perfect day that is full of your new mercies and grace! Thank you for your hand upon my life! Thank you that your love is a perfecting...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this beautiful day! Thank you for your life giving rain. Thank you for the peace that dwells in me as I seek you and give everything to you!...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this wonderful new day! Thank you for who you are making me to be! Increase my understanding and discernment that I may be used more by you!...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 2 week 2 – deads
It is the fourth of July! And I am sure most people enjoyed a day off from everything but not me. Not because it was anybody elses fault because as boss, I was the one that chose to be open for half...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this new day that is perfect in you! Thank you for growing me and changing me and stressing me that I may grow stronger! Thank you for your...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 2 week 2 – OHP
My whole system is off because of yesterday being the holiday and having half a day off but I can say that I am glad that it is friday! Yesterday after work I did pretty much nothing. I went to...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this perfect new day! Thank you for your word which is sharper than a two edged sword, cutting between bone and marrow and discerning the...
View Article5/3/1 cylce 2 week 3 – bench
I cant believe it is monday again already. As a kid we are in such a hurry to become adults and then as adults we want everything to slow down. Ahhhhh never satisfied, the human race! Saturday...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep. Thank you for this perfect new day in you! Thank you for bringing Angie here to interview. I ask that your will be done in her decision if she is to come and...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 2 week 3 – squats
Ok, let me see where I am at today. It has been a bit of a crazy day as I have a new graduate veterinarian here doing a working interview and so everything has been pretty busy between showing her...
View ArticleGood Morning God!
Thank you Jesus for a good nights sleep! Thank you for this wonderful new day! Thank you for knowing everything that I need and supplying all my needs! Thank you that in you I have no wants! Teach...
View Article5/3/1 cycle 2 week 3- Deads and OHP
Alrighty folks, it is friday friday friday! Yippee Skippee! Got up yesterday morning and headed to the gym. Deads deficit deads *225# for 5 *245# for 5 *275# for 3 conventional deads *275# for 5...
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