Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5/3/1 cycle 2 week 3 – squats


Ok, let me see where I am at today.  It has been a bit of a crazy day as I have a new graduate veterinarian here doing a working interview and so everything has been pretty busy between showing her everything and answering questions and trying to make us all seem very cool :)

Did a bunch of nothing last night which was the perfect ending to a monday.  David wanted to take Tritton out to eat so we went to our favorite mexican food place and I had the worst stomach cramping about an hour later.  I had been talking to Devri on the phone and she had been telling me about how she thought she had the stomach flu and she must have passed it to me via the airwaves!  I pretty much have a stomach of steel and nothing really bothers it but last night it was cramping badly.  Not sure if I am becoming intolerant of mexican food or not.  On one hand it would be cool because then I would stop eating it and therefore probably be able to lose some weight but on the other, it is about the only decent food we have around here.

Got up at the usual time and headed out the door before 6.





*150# for 5

*170# for 3

*190# for 3

*225# fail- not deep enough by about 2 inches :(

*120# for 5 sets of 10

photo(532)blah, I hate to fail but one must fail so they know how high to aim!!


glute/ham raises

*20 for  3 sets


Incline situps

*25# for 2 sets of 15



*25 for 2 sets


I should have done some seated leg curls but I knew that I was running out of time and I wanted to get in all the ab exercises today.  Not sure if that is a good exchange or not now that I think of it but a strong core is very much needed for good squats so……….



Our surgery schedule wasnt too busy today but we had a lot of sick animals come in and we needed to take the trach tube out of Radar so we did that first thing.  The swelling had gone down significantly in this throat and I drained some fluid out of what was left and we pulled his trach and he went home today!!  :)   He was doing fantastic and his dad was so happy to see him.


Charlie, the BoerBoel that was in a few weeks ago for a snake bite came back on sunday for swelling and his owner called again today and said that the abcess had broken on his face and his paw was so swollen he couldnt walk and he wasnt eating.  I told him to head on up with him so we could check him out.

photo(533)The abscess is from the snake bite.  There are many potential long term complications from southpacific snakes and apparently abscessing  out at the bite site at a later date is one of them.  His front paw is swollen huge and has a large purple discoloration and I think that he may have been bitten by a spider there.  Poor guy!  Thankfully his RBCs are holding and we just need to get the infection under control.

We finished with the last surgery after noon and I took Angie and her husband to lunch and then it was back to work.  The afternoon went well and I am very happy with the work that Angie does and the way she is with the clients.  I hope that she likes us as much as we all like her and decides that she wants to come and work for me :)

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