Channel: Reflections from the Depths of the Mind
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5/3/1 wave 2 – squats


I am so dang tired!!  I feel like I could sleep for a week, ok, maybe only half a day but still.

I had every intention of trying to get to bed early last night but it just didnt happen.  Zac was in bed and asleep by 8:30 and I was all excited because I figured I could then be asleep by 9 but alas, it was not to be!  My dear little Emma is very homesick and she couldnt sleep and was texting me on her cousins phone.  I felt so bad for her as I know how hard it is for her when she cant fall asleep right away.  We text back and forth until about 10 and she must have finally fell asleep because I didnt hear from her anymore.

Rolled out of bed at 4:30 and was out the door before 6!


wave 2 – squats


*80%- 140# for 3

*85% – 150# for 3

*90%- 160# for 5

These felt good today.  Still not going quite low enough but it is at least getting better.

*50%- 95# for 5 sets of 10 with 60 secs rest between sets


leg press

*340# for 5 sets of 10 with 30 – 40 secs rest between sets.


Incline situps

*22 for 2 sets



*25 for 2 setsphoto(428)

I had to pretend that I was in a good mood when I got to the gym but it did turn out to be a good workout.

We were very slow this morning.  For whatever the reason we only had 4 surgeries scheduled and one of them we had to cancel because the dog had pre anesthetic blood work done and it turned out to be in kidney failure so we wouldnt do it.  One of the reasons that pre anesthetic blood work done before having any procedure done on your older pet.  The owner had no idea that the dog was even sick.

I got done early and went and tanned and then bought new luggage for my trip.   I am excited to go and see that part of the country as I have never been there but I am not looking forward to traveling on the plane with a 2 1/2 month old bull dog who is NOT quiet!


She is stinking cute though!!  She is going to Henri and Ellen Skiba of Skibas gym to join her uncle Bruno!

Nothing else too exciting today which is alright with me! :)

Going to do my deads workout tomorrow since I will be traveling on Friday so I will see you all tomorrow.

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