My beautiful little Birdie is coming home today! She has been visiting her cousin in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has really been struggling. I am not really sure why she struggled so much because she generally does very well away from home but not this time. Last night we facetimed until she fell asleep because the night before she couldnt sleep. I flew her home 2 days early and David and Zac went to phoenix to pick her up from the airport. It will be so good to have her home though as I have missed her!
They are on their way back from Phoenix right now and I cant wait to see her and give her a hug!
Now her little brother has had an entirely different issue. Being the not always smart mother that I am, I bought the movie gremlins from the 80s and he watched it all day on saturday and now is scared to death! I had forgotten how violent they were and how many people they killed in the movie! I am such a dork. So because of this when he wakes up in the middle of the night he gets scared and comes and crawls into bed with us. The problem is that he is a bed hog!!! So I left to go sleep in Emmas bed and David slept on the couch and Zac got an awesome king sized bed all to himself! I am hoping that this will get over soon and be forgotten so that I can go with my uninterrupted sleep again.
Rolled out of bed grudgingly this morning as wednesdays are generally my day off. Up and out the door before 6.
5/3/1 deads
*80%- 270# for 3
*85% -285# for 3
*90%- 300# for 3
I am rounding my back soooo bad it is driving me crazy!! Not because it is hurting me but because it is bad form!!
*50% – 170# for 5 sets of 10 with 60 secs rest between sets
finally figured out part of my back rounding problem while doing the 170#. I dont stick my butt out but rather for whatever the reason keep it tucked in which forces my back to round. By consciously forcing it out it kept my back much flatter now I just need to keep that thought while lifting heavy! I am hoping that Henri will be able to help me get it all figured out!
bent over rows
*65# for 5 sets of 10 with 30 secs rest between sets
this was too light but I was tired and wasnt sure how much I would be able to do with proper form.
No time for abs today!
Nothing interesting today at the office Not that I wish ill on any pet but I do love it when we have broken legs or other surgical type things to do as I love fixing things
Tomorrow is OHP and arms and then it is off to Ph0enix so I can catch a plane for New Jersey on Friday morning. I am praying that little Betsy is a good traveler and doesnt make a bunch of loud bulldog noises for the 4 or 5 hour trip Thank goodness for acepromazine